Volunteer with Woodhouse Adventure Park

A dedicated band of Volunteers at Woodhouse (run by Scouts SA, based on a 54-hectare property in Piccadilly) helps when and where they can, and new volunteers are very welcome!

Where better to spend a few hours than on a beautiful property, surrounded by the sounds of nature, kids having fun, and enjoying great company from like-minded people.

The volunteering options are endless, including:

  • Tuesday work group conducting all sorts of general maintenance, including Challenge Hill obstacle course
  • Gardening group
  • Mowing and tractor work

Along with having a great time there is the satisfaction that you are contributing to a not-for-profit organisation supporting youth development and the wider community. There’s no commitment, just come up when you can.

If you are interested, or just want to know more please get in touch by emailing info@woodhouse.org.au or give us a call on 8339 3333.