City of / Ville d'Ottawa - Rideauview Community Centre ~ Centre communautaire Rideauview

After School Program ~ Programme parascolaire

Finish the school day with fun!  Program runs from 2:30pm until 6pm.  Get active with games and sports and be creative with arts and crafts. Some quiet time for homework help, too. Make new friends when you join our Club. City of Ottawa is an accredited HIGH FIVEĀ® organization.  We commit to healthy child development and safety for children's recreation programs. Choose quality!

Please Note: No program on PD Days, Holiday Breaks and Statutory Holidays, for a list of exception dates please contact staff at the facility. Children should bring a drink, nut-free snack and indoor shoes.  If your child carries an Epipen/twinject, 2 are required at all times. Enrolment forms are to be completed before program starts.