All - Recreation and Community Services

Special Events

Throughout the year, Saanich hosts a variety of special events in the community. Whether you're preparing decorations for Autumn Lantern Fest, leading crafts at Family Arts Fest, or serving up ice cream at Strawberry Fest, you are bound to have a memorable volunteer experience at these vibrant community gatherings.

Apply today to be added to our interest list for 2025! You will be notified as soon as recruitment opens for each special event. 


  • 15 years old or older
  • Friendly and responsible
  • Follows direction
  • Enjoys working with all ages
  • Comfortable with crowds

Application Process:

  • Create a volunteer profile online (5-10 minutes)
  • Submit paperwork: Waiver, Code of Conduct, and (optional) Photo/Video Release 
  • Receive an email when recruitment opens for each event
  • Sign up for shifts

Questions? Contact:
Lindsay Mackas-Burns
Programmer 1: Events, Volunteers & Film