Bushcare Volunteer - Banyula Road Reserve, Thagoona
The Banyula Road Reserve Bushcare group was created to ensure the local bushland reserve was resilient to the impacts of expanding residential development. The reserve is rich with biodiversity, where Koalas, Echidnas, Desert Tree Frogs, Crested Hawks amongst many other birds and animals call the reserve home.
You might enjoy this role if:
• You are passionate about caring for our natural environment, particularly native plants
• Like working outdoors in a hands-on role
• Enjoy working with a diverse range of people
• Can make a regular commitment to the group (once a month).
Recruitment Status: Positions Available
How many volunteers are needed? Unlimited, bring your friends!
Pre-Requisites: For the initial volunteer shift you’ll be asked to sign a Unregistered Volunteer form before starting work. These are available on the day. Those wanting to join as a regular member will need to sign up as a regular volunteer, to do this you'll need to sign up on the Council Volunteer portal follow MyImpactPage - Application Form - Infrastructure and Environment (betterimpact.com) and complete all online induction training and sign the Volunteer Agreement form to be covered by insurance.
Please wear a hat, long pants and closed in shoes. Remember to bring drinking water and your own snacks. Sunscreen is available.
Before applying, please read the Bushcare and Parkcare Volunteer Position Description found here.
Upcoming Working Bees
- 5th October 2024 8am-10am
- 29th March 2025 8am-10am
Meeting Spot: End of Banyula Road, Thagoona
Email enquiries: donshapark@gmail.com for more information