Armstrong Tour Docent
Stewards’ docent-led tours and hikes in Armstrong Redwoods SNR and Austin Creek SRA cater to school groups and the public. With thousands of students visiting the parks every year, Armstrong Docents help provide invaluable educational experiences in a unique natural environment.
Tasks: Armstrong Docents typically lead tours of 1-2 hours in length. Students of all grades TK-College (mostly grades 3rd to 8th) participate in the Redwood Education Programming and average about 1 docent per 15 students. Accompanied by parent or teacher chaperones, docents take the students on a 1-2 mile walk from the main front parking lot to the back picnic area, interpreting the park’s cultural and natural features from redwood ecology, mycology, botany, history, wildlife, climate change impacts, and more. Interpretive materials available for docents are stored in the Lizzie Armstrong Jones Welcome Center.
Meeting times: School Tours are scheduled Monday through Friday, generally starting at 9 or 10 AM. Public tours and private groups are usually on weekends or during the summer season.