Placer County Law Enforcement Chaplaincy

Community Chaplain - Community Chaplain

The Placer County Law Enforcement Chaplaincy is bringing an Advanced Academy Chaplaincy Course to Placer County and all surrounding counties. The goal of the course is to equip ministers and lay ministers with specific skills who want to become a Community Chaplain. This will be a higher level training to ministers to First Responders, business, schools and the public through critical incidents, crisis and traumatic events, stress management, compassion fatigue, burn out, scene management, NIMS, understanding of the First Responder’s culture and more. The course is designed to train to become Community Chaplain Ministry. Training can be very stressful and should be considered prior to coming to class. Please contact the office or a chaplain and discuss this issue if needed. For more information contact the Placer County Law Enforcement Chaplaincy at (916) 663-2427 or e-mail us at