Rocklin Historical Society

Heritage Park Project - Gardening, yard maintenance, irrigation

Heritage Park Project is an initiative sponsored by the Rocklin Historical Society and the City of Rocklin. The first phase of this project, to renovate Rocklin's oldest public building, Saint Mary's Church, is complete. This year (2008) the focus is on the completion of landscaping near the building and within the patio area. Available jobs include: 1. Weed and blackberry removal. 2. Irrigation and ground preparation. 3. Plantings. 4. On-going maintenance. 5. Task leader for the above.

Schedule Summary

This activity generally occurs on

  • Monday - Morning, Afternoon
  • Tuesday - Morning, Afternoon
  • Wednesday - Morning, Afternoon
  • Thursday - Morning, Afternoon
  • Friday - Morning, Afternoon
  • Saturday - Morning, Afternoon