1. Housing & Homelessness Programs

HHS - Catholic Charities Peer Case Manager Practicum Placement Application

Peer Case Manger Institute Practicum Placement


Students enrolled in the Howard U/DC Dept or Housing Services, have lived experience in homelessness in our community and are interested in obtaining jobs in this field.  As part of their several-week course work and preparation for employment in this field, students complete an 80-hour practicum with a provider of shelter services.


Placements at Catholic Charities-operated low-barrier emergency shelters and transitional housing programs will expose students to the day-to- day work of shelter case management.


The practicum experience is on-site at a Catholic Charities-operated low-barrier shelter for 80 work hours during June and early July. Students' schedules will vary depending on their placement.  Students will be assigned a functional supervisor who will be with them onsite for the duration of their placement and during each work session. These practicum supervisors will be seasoned case managers.


Prospective interns, to secure a placement do the following:

  • complete this application
  • complete the background check authorization and provide information to a 3rd-party vendor  (a criminal history does not disqualify applicants)
  • attend Volunteer/Intern Orientation

Once placed, interns, carry out the practicum as scheduled and log their hours in this system.