Dakota County Environmental Resources

Green Squad - Event Waste Management Assistance - 8.20: Green Squad - TCP 50th Birthday Party

Help us celebrate Thompson County Park turning 50! Volunteers will receive a food voucher to get a hot meal from a food truck as a thank you for supporting the event.


Duties & Responsibilities


  • Green Squad Efforts (all volunteers) - Help event staff with trash sorting and removal. Educate event-goers about proper sorting and other info on waste management. 
  • Event Greeters/Ushers (all volunteers)  - Help greet event attendees, help direct those with mobility support, and other general event assistance. 


Minimum Requirements

  • Must be 16 years old or older to volunteer. Any volunteer under 16 can volunteer with adult supervision.
  • Must be a Dakota County Recycling Ambassador  


Minimum Time Commitment 

3 hours 


Activity Level

Mild - May include walking short distances over relatively level terrain. Lifting and moving tents, tables, and chairs required for set-up and take-down. Periods of standing or sitting will be required. Comfortable shoes recommended.

Qualifications Required

  • Accepted Data Privacy Notice - Tennessen Notice Must be Yes
  • Dakota County Recycling Ambassador Must be Yes
  • Signed Volunteer Waiver Must be at least Yes