Dakota County Community Corrections

Volunteer Opportunities - Juvenile Court Caller Volunteer

Dakota County Community Corrections is looking for two to three volunteers who are interested in helping out with court callings. Approved volunteers will oversee calling the families of juveniles who have a court case scheduled for the week.  This reminder is very helpful in getting people to show up to their case and therefore helps avoid unnecessary burdens on the court system and the families as well. 

This opportunity will take place once a week for a few hours at a time and has traditionally taken place at the JSC in Hastings.  If you are interested about this program and/or interested in helping out, please contact Brandon Head at brandon.head@co.dakota.mn.us for more details.

Qualifications Required

  • Accepted Data Privacy Notice - Tennessen Notice Must be Yes
  • Background Check Must be Completed: Cleared
  • Signed Volunteer Waiver Must be at least Yes