Dakota County Historical Society

LeDuc Historic Estate - Hastings, MN - LeDuc Estate Garden Volunteers


General Description

Help us keep the gardens at the LeDuc Historic Estate looking great throughout the year. We are searching for dedicated, garden-loving volunteers to help care for gardens on the property. We have a number of areas on site that are cared for by our garden volunteers. If you have an interest in flowers, rain gardens, general yard work, or heritage vegetable gardening then this is for you. The gardeners generally meet on Saturday mornings during the season to work on the garden and the grounds.



LeDuc Historic Estate

1629 Vermillion Street

Hastings, MN 55033

(Map and Driving directions)



The volunteer season will run April - November each Saturday from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Come as often as you are interested. You are able to come by and help at the gardens during the week as well as your schedule allows. Additional times can be set up with the garden supervisors. 


Duties & Responsibilities

  • Watering and weeding - weeding and watering is needed to maintain a healthy garden. During dry spells twice a day watering might be needed. Other days depending on weather we might need less. Flexibility is key with gardening.


Minimum Qualifications:

  • A love of gardening.
  • Transportation is needed to access the site.
  • Must be 16 years old or older to volunteer without an adult present. Families are welcome to join though. Bring your kids - more hands equals less work!


Minimum Time Commitment:

  • We ask that volunteers try to make it out to the gardens at least once a week (we understand summer can be busy, it is ok if you miss a few weeks.)


Activity Level

Active - Involves physical exertion for an extended period of time; project may involve rough, uneven or steep terrain. Activities will require longer periods of standing and walking with limited access to sitting. Activities will mostly occur in an outdoor setting with uncontrollable elements present.


Contact Information

Judy Slink



Barb Heiden


Qualifications Required

  • Accepted Data Privacy Notice - Tennessen Notice Must be Yes
  • Signed Volunteer Waiver Must be at least Yes

Schedule Summary

This activity occurs between Tuesday, April 01, 2025 and Sunday, November 30, 2025