Better at Home Services for Seniors

Active Positions - Friendly Visitor Volunteers Needed!

Friendly Visit Volunteer Needed

S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Seniors programs are aimed at providing services to seniors to support them at home. Home visits to seniors are a valuable service that can impact their quality of life and provide a crucial role in providing companionship, reducing feelings of loneliness, and enhancing mental wellbeing. We are looking for heart-warming volunteers to visit isolated seniors at their home once a week.


Work Location:

  • Surrey: Whalley
  • Metro Vancouver: Vancouver, Richmond, etc.


Key Responsibilities:

  • Regular Visits – Committing to regular visits (weekly or biweekly) to provide consistent companionship and build a trusting relationship.
  • Social Interaction – Engage in conversations and share stories.
  • Engage in activities – Depending on the senior this may include walking around the block, sharing a cup of tea, watching movies, knitting etc.
  • Training and reporting – Participate in any required training provided and report back on visits as required to ensure the safety of both the volunteer and the senior.


Time Commitment and Schedule:  

Flexible. Schedule arranged between you and the senior. We ask for at least one hour per week for a minimum of three months.


Qualifications Required:

  • Criminal Record Check Clearance (covered by S.U.C.C.E.S.S.)
  • 19 years or older
  • Proficiency in English. Other languages are an asset.


Personal Traits/Qualities Desired:

  • Friendly and welcoming
  • Patient
  • Non-judgemental and respectful
  • Have strong, clear communication skills, and enjoy working in a 1 to 1 environment.


Orientation and Training Provided:

  • General orientation to S.U.C.C.E.S.S. and the position.
  • On-the job training


Benefits of Volunteering:

  • Support the work of S.U.C.C.E.S.S. in our mission to build bridges, harvest diversity and foster integration through service and advocacy. 
  • Have a positive impact on the community by making a tangible difference in the lives of seniors by reducing loneliness and improving quality of life.
  • Skill development of communication, empathy, problem solving, and cultural sensitivity, which can be valuable in both personal and professional settings.



  • The Better at Home / Age Well at Home Program Coordinator will supervise this position


Application and Screening Process:

Please indicate that you are applying for the <Friendly Visit Volunteer> position.


Selected applicants will be interviewed prior to placement and must have a criminal record check clearance prior to volunteering.


For more info about this position, please contact Sang Eun Lee (Surrey Whalley) at or Charlotte Wong at (Metro Vancouver)