Library - East SJ Carnegie Branch

Virtual Volunteering - Teens Reach

Teens Reach provides a key way for young adults to build their leadership skills by developing and participating in library activities, as well as becoming library advisors and advocates. Be part of a fun volunteering opportunity for teens between the ages of 13-18. Earn community service credit while supporting the library virtually.  While we are still closed, you may become a Teen Book Reviewer (separate application, or sign up as an activity once you join our Teens Reach group. 

Once we reopen and volunteers return, you will be able to assisting with library programs, promotion, and representing the library's teen point-of-view as well as with helping to keep the library organized, clean and welcoming for the public. 


  • Age must be between the ages of 13-18 years old
  • Have a strong interest in the library and/or serving their community.
  • Enjoy working with people of all ages and cultures.
  • Be willing to learn new skills.
  • Submit paperwork signed by parent/guardian. (you can do this virtually)
  • Complete a short on-site training
  • Create and log hours in BetterImpact Account (can be done with help of a staff member)


  • Gain new skills such as: program management, organizing, communication, and leadership skills.
  • Receive community service hours
  • Learn about other volunteer opportunities associated with the library and City of San Jose
  • Easy to Attend! – Located within easy walking distance from Cristo Rey, San Jose High School as well as Sunrise Middle School


  • Attend monthly meetings on the 4th Saturday of ODD Months (January, March, May, July, September, and November) from 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. 
  • Assisting with library system programs such as: Summer Learning
  • Help create and/or host programs for the library community, specifically for children and teens
  • Assist with Friends of the Library Booksales 

Fingerprint clearance required for volunteers 18 or over.


Qualifications Required

  • Age Must be at least 13+