Midtown Neighborhood (2900 Washington Ave, St. Louis, MO. 63103-The Salvation Army - Midtown)

Church Activities - Midtown Community Outreach Team (M-COT)

The Midtown Community Outreach Team (M-COT) is a group of volunteers who help with outreach to the homeless, those living in nursing homes or senior living centers, and service projects to help better the St. Louis Midtown Community.  If this is something you would be interested in helping us with, please sign up.  If you have any questions, you can email Captain Deannie Moore at deannie_moore@usc.salvationarmy.org, (314) 286-3237.

Qualifications Required

  • Background Check
  • How much can you lift comfortably? Must be at least 10 lbs
  • Which age category do you belong? Must be at least 18 or older