Local Officer Positions - Deputy Corps Treasurer
Deputy Corps Treasurer
Ministry Description:
The Deputy Corps Treasurer (DCT) is the lay person who helps with the finances of the corps in the absence of the Corps Treasurer. The main responsibilities are to oversee offering collections and cartridges, help count income at Christmas, educate the congregation and promote tithing and giving to all areas of corps work, help plan stewardship campaign, to assist the CO with financial balance and awareness. An understanding of Corps accounting procedures and reporting is important. Confidentiality in matters concerning tithing and individual gifts is very important.
Please refer to O & R for Corps Secretaries & Treasurers for details
Spiritual Gifts:
administration, encouragement, leadership, mercy
able to relate to people and encourage them
People and evangelism
Soldiership Required:
no, Commissioned or Warranted
to be worked out with CO
2 years renewable
Qualifications Required
- Background Check
- Which age category do you belong? Must be at least 18 or older