The Salvation Army - Dearborn Heights

Administration and Operations - Driver

The Driver will: obey the rules of the road; transport people form their homes to the Corps and back; keep an accurate and current list of all riders; ensure that after programming, the same people are delivered to the same location from which they were originally transported; ensure the cleanliness of the vehicle; all potential hazards or need for repairs are reported promptly to the Quartermaster; ensure that there are the maximum capacity of the vehicle is not exceeded; ensure that the vehicle is adequately fueled (a fuel card can be signed out from the Quartermaster). The Driver is expected to: meet Outreach Van Rider at vehicle allowing appropriate time for pick-up and drop-offs; ensure a safe and comfortable riding atmosphere; that when any music media is used it is appropriate for use in developing disciples of Jesus Christ; ensure that no profanity or vulgarity is permitted; be dependable, notifying the Quartermaster promptly if not available to drive for a particular event; be trained and certified in Safe From Harm.

Qualifications Required

  • Age Category Must be at least 18 or older