The Salvation Army Downriver Corps Community Center

Youth Programs - Sunbeam Assistant Leader

Sunbeams is a fun-filled program that helps girls ages six through eleven develop socially, mentally and spiritually. The Sunbeam program emphasizes the importance of growing spiritually, mentally, physically and socially through fun activities, field trips, camps, service projects, earning activity emblems and so much more! It gives girls a refuge, a place to be themselves, have fun, deepen their relationship with God, gain self-confidence and discover how they can make a difference in the world.


The Sunbeam Assistant Leader supports the Sunbeam Leader in accomplishing the duties of Sunbeams, In the absence of the Sunbeam Leader, the Assistant will assume the role of the Sunbeam Leader, whose duties include:

*Preparing for each troop meeting

*Planning the advancement and activities of the individuals and the troop.

*Serve on the troop committee

*Be responsible for the oversight of troop fundraising, registrations, camping, and record keeping and

*Help with preparing the annual awards meeting, as prescribed in the Sunbeam Leader's Manual


The underlying desire and purpose of the Sunbeam Leader is to help young ladies develop into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ as well as functional and productive members of The Salvation Army and society.


This position requires a 1 year commitment.



Qualifications Required

  • Age Category Must be at least 18 or older