Hometown Holiday 2024 - Parade Marshal
Marshals are assigned a designated street block along the parade route. They are responsible for gently enforcing parade rules such as keeping spectators clear of the parade route. They must also make sure the parade entrants continue forward movement down Main Street. Parade Marshals must be at least 18 years old.
Report to: Rick Parkinson / Veterans Memorial Building @ 301 Main St.
Qualifications Required
- Are you over the age of 18? Must be YES
How to Sign Up for a Volunteer Activity
Hometown Holiday Volunteers Needed!
How to sign up for a volunteer activity:
- Log in to MyImpactPage.com
- Click on the [Opportunites] tab
- Click on the activity that you want to do: You will see the date, start time and end time for each shift of a scheduled activity.
- For each shift you would like, click the [+Sign Up] button beside the desired date. If you wish to sign up for multiple shifts, you can check the box beside each one you would like and then click the [+Signup for Selected] button below the list of shifts. If the activity is unscheduled or seasonal, click on the [+Sign Up]
Shifts that are full or unavailable for signup will be displayed with the word "Full" beside them. IN this case, if you are still interested in being assigned to the activity, you can click the [+Add me to the back-up list in case you ever need extras] button at the top of the screen. (If necessary, you can return here to remove yourself from the back-up list.)