Greenway: Minnesota River Greenway - 9.21: International Coastal Cleanup Day


General Description

International Coastal Cleanup Day began more than 30 years ago, when communities rallied together with the common goal of collecting and documenting the trash littering their coastline. Volunteers from states and territories throughout the U.S. and more than 100 countries come together each year and participate in an event near them.


Although not near an ocean, Minnesota has over 90,000 miles of shoreline; more than California, Florida and Hawaii combined. We are also home to the headwaters of the mighty Mississippi River which flows south all the way into the Gulf of Mexico. The Minnesota River is another famous river in our state that is an important tributary that flows into the Mississippi.


Sadly, garbage and pollution can use our local river systems to travel through our state southward. If we can stop trash here at home, we can help prevent it from reaching the world’s oceans, helping our partners who will be working to clean up beaches thousands of miles away.


Location and Site Details

Minnesota River Greenway: Black Dog Trailhead 

600 W Black Dog Road

Burnsville, MN 55337



September 21

10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 


Duties & Responsibilities

  • Help pick up trash along the banks of our local riverways.
  • All ages welcome, there will be flat and paved terrain available to walk.
  • Supplies including trash bags, gloves, and hand sanitizer will be provided.
  • If you would like to volunteer as a group (families not included), please contact our Volunteer Coordinator before registering.


Minimum Time Commitment

1.5 hours


Activity Level  

Active - Involves physical exertion for an extended period of time; can involve rough, uneven or steep terrain. Not recommended for volunteers with physical limitations.


Contact Information

Garrett Zaffke | Community Relations and Volunteer Services Coordinator

Dakota County Communications

1590 Highway 55| Hastings, MN 55033

Direct: (651) 438-4635 | Fax: (651) 438-4405 | Email:


Qualifications Required

  • Accepted Data Privacy Notice - Tennessen Notice Must be Yes
  • Signed Volunteer Waiver Must be at least Yes