Green Squad - Event Waste Management Assistance - 9.19: Green Squad - Annual Volunteer Appreciation Party
General Description
Help event-goers make this a low-waste event by helping sort waste into recycle, compost, and trash bins as well as help answer general event questions. A free meal will be provided to volunteers who participate at this event.
Thompson County Park
360 Butler Ave. E
West St. Paul, MN 55118
Thursday, September 19
4:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Duties & Responsibilities
- Help with the event’s waste management system
- Help with registration and welcoming event goers as needed
- Be a friendly and welcoming face to our event goers
- This opportunity will be outside, so dress accordingly.
Minimum Qualifications
- Must be 16 years old or older
- Approved Dakota County Recycling Ambassador
Minimum Time Commitment
3.5 hours
Activity Level
Light - May include light work or walking short distances over relatively level terrain. Comfortable shoes recommended.
Contact Information
Garrett Zaffke | Community Relations and Volunteer Services Coordinator
Dakota County Communications
1590 Highway 55| Hastings, MN 55033
Direct: (651) 438-4635 | Fax: (651) 438-4405 | Email:
Qualifications Required
- Accepted Data Privacy Notice - Tennessen Notice Must be Yes
- Dakota County Recycling Ambassador Must be Yes
- Signed Volunteer Waiver Must be at least Yes