Welcome Volunteers!
We at the library love our volunteers. Nothing personifies our vision of “Kind, Connected Humans” like bringing volunteers together to help our community members. Welcome to our new volunteering website.
Finding your next volunteering opportunity is easy. Use the Search menu to find available opportunities. You can browse by your local library, type of task, or day available. Once there, you can get more information or click on the Fill in an application button to start volunteering. You can also click on any of the Featured Activities to go directly to its page and sign up.
Featured Activities
Mission Statement
AC Library's New Mission & Vision
We Grow Learners, Break Barriers, Build Futures
Kind, Connected Humans
Our Four Strategic Areas of Exploration
Innovation and Cultivation
Innovation is the ability of humans to continuously create their desired future. Innovation is something innate to all people, it is about creation, and it is about cultivating a better future—however each person defines that.
Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Equity is a recognition that not everyone has been afforded the same resources, and a commitment to work to remedy this fact. Authentic equality requires conscientious and intentional acts of equity, diversity and inclusion. At AC Library, we commit to honest conversations, and adapting and changing as individuals and as an organization.
Civic Participation
Community is built on the connection between individuals, public institutions, and local organizations. Engaged and informed decision-making requires ongoing communication…and we need everyone’s voices. Widespread, active participation in civic life makes everyone safer and stronger.
Healthy Families, Healthy Homes
Life successes are connected to healthy homes, family support, and kind, connected communities. The path to success starts in infancy and grows throughout a person’s life. Access to secure housing and food, early childhood education, and family literacy build the foundation for a healthy world.