Organization Policies

At MPNH, our volunteers actively contribute to the achievement of our mission statement, vision and share in practicing our values. Volunteers help us to build a healthy and engaged neighbourhood by connecting people and strengthening their capacity to create change. Volunteers are an integral part of creating the MPNH community and we value each and every volunteer who spends their time with us. 

Please note that evening and weekend programs at MPNH are limited. Most volunteer opportunities occur on weekdays during office hours - Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.
Some volunteer opportunities happen remotely and may require a device and access to the internet.
Driving roles require a driver’s license and access to your own insured vehicle.

Below is a list of programs where there are often volunteer opportunities.

  • Driving - Meals Delivery and Medical Transport
  • Cooking - Preparing, packing and serving meals
  • Friendly Phone Calling
  • Income Tax Clinic
  • Yardwork Assistance
  • Neighbourhood House Ambassador - Front Desk
  • Digital Literacy Tutor
  • English Language Tutor
  • Homework Club Tutor
  • Workshop Facilitators
  • Special Events

All volunteers are required to complete a Criminal Record Check, through the CRRP program through the Ministry of Public Safety. All volunteers are required to read, sign and comply with MPNH's policies, including the Liability Waiver, Right to Refuse Work, illness Waiver, Media Consent, Confidentiality, Code of Conduct and Covenant of Care policies. You will receive all of this information once you create a profile and begin your application.

I am new to

You will need to enter a unique username to identify yourself to the system. You should select something that is easy for you to remember such as your email address or your name. Your username must be at least 6 characters long. If the name you enter is already in use by someone else, you will be prompted to choose another username.
Username must not start with space
Username must not end with space
Username must not have two or more spaces in a row

I already have a username

If you have signed up with this organization before, or are a member of another organization that uses, you can use the same login to access all organizations with which you are associated.
Forgot your username or password?
Already use to volunteer with this organization?
Go to volunteer login

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