Confidentiality Agreement & Volunteer Policies
By accepting this policy, you confirm that you have read and understand the contents of GPPCS Policy Agreement listed below
Philosophy of the Volunteer Program
The work in all volunteer positions will be meaningful and significant, to the Society, program participants, and volunteers.
The work of the Grande Prairie Palliative Care Society (GPPCS) volunteers will enhance the work of paid staff, never replace or supplant it.
Volunteers and paid staff are considered partners in implementing the mission and programs of the Society. It is essential to the proper operation of this relationship that each partner understands and respects the needs and abilities of the other.
Coordination of Volunteers
The coordination of the general volunteer program is the responsibility of the Volunteer Coordinator
Volunteer Policies
1. Confidentiality
Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all proprietary or privileged information to which they are exposed while serving as a volunteer.
All information – verbal, written or computerized – concerning clients and their families, staff members, other volunteers or GPPCS business will be held in the strictest confidence and shared only with in the GPPCS to the degree necessary to offer appropriate services.
No files or records can be removed from the GPPCS office without written consent of the volunteer manager.
Volunteers are required to accept the Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement and compliance with that agreement is a condition of their involvement with the GPPCS.
Failure to maintain confidentiality is cause for immediate dismissal.
2. Photo Consent
Volunteers are asked to accept the Photo Consent Agreement for their involvement with GPPCS. This means volunteers grant permission to GPPCS the use of the photograph(s) or electronic media images taken of the volunteer in his/her volunteer role. Volunteers may revoke this authorization at any time by notifying Grande Prairie Palliative Care Society in writing. The revocation will not affect any actions taken before the receipt of this written notification. Photograph(s) or electronic media images taken will be kept as long as they are relevant and after that time destroyed or archived by GPPCS.
3. Conflict of Interest
All volunteers must disclose any conflict of interest with any activity or program of the Society, whether personal, philosophical, business, or financial; where such interests might be perceived as being in real, potential or apparent conflict with their duties for the Society.
Continued involvement of the volunteer with the GPPCS after such a conflict will depend on the nature of the conflict and be at the discretion of the GPPCS Board of Directors and/or the Executive Director.
4. Discrimination
Volunteers will be recruited without regard to gender, handicap, age, race, sexual orientation, or other conditions. The sole qualifications for volunteer recruitment, promotion or advancement will be the ability and suitability to perform a task on behalf of the Society.
5. Harassment
GPPCS is committed to a healthy harassment-free environment for its entire staff, volunteers and clients. The GPPCS has developed policies to prevent harassment of any type, including sexual harassment and to deal quickly and effectively with any incident that might occur.
Harassment occurs when an individual is subjected to unwelcome verbal or physical conduct because of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, language, citizenship, religious beliefs, gender, mental or physical disability, marital status, family status, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or source of income.
Sexual harassment, being discrimination on the grounds of gender, is a violation of the Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act. Unwanted sexual advances, unwanted requests for sexual favours, and other unwanted verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment. This conduct can include such things as pinching, patting, rubbing or leering, “dirty” jokes, pictures or pornographic materials, comments, suggestions, innuendos, requests or demands of a sexual nature. The behaviour need not be intentional in order to be considered sexual harassment.
All harassment is offensive, and in many cases, it intimidates others. It will not be tolerated within the Society.