Volunteer Policies and Agreements

It is with a warm welcome that you are coming into the facilities & programming of The Salvation Army in Peoria, Illinois.  The following policies & procedures were developed to enhance your volunteer experience with The Salvation Army.

Alcohol/Drugs-are not permitted on any Salvation Army campus.  Please do not purchase any alcohol and/or drugs for any of our clients.     

Arrival-time of volunteering will be determined between the supervisor of the volunteer activity and/or volunteer coordinator and the volunteer. It is most important that diligence of time be kept.  Programs depend on you.  If you are unable to keep your designated hours, please phone ahead to your volunteer activity supervisor or call the Volunteer Coordinator at, 309-253-9909. We understand that emergencies may occur, however the more time we have, the better. The Volunteer Coordinator and/or activity supervisor will keep you informed as to any changes that may occur from the organizations’ planning.

Clients-recipients of any Salvation Army services may not be utilized as volunteers either of their own free will or as a condition of receiving assistance or in exchange of assistance.  A client may become a volunteer after services are discontinued.

Confidentiality-is a right guaranteed to our clients and our volunteers.  Client needs, concerns and personal problems are not to be discussed with anyone other than an appropriate staff member.  Volunteer applications, evaluations and other volunteer information will be kept in a file in the Volunteer Department and in the volunteer's Better Impact profile. No one is privileged to volunteer files outside of the Volunteer Department Staff.  Volunteer personnel files will not be utilized for fund raising purposes.

Credentials-are available to those who are volunteering to develop job skills.  Service descriptions, evaluations, and dependability can be used to verify your skill level with potential employers.

Dress-according to what is appropriate and comfortable for your position.  Please ask your supervisor if you have any questions regarding appropriate dress. 

Fire/Tornado-please be advised by staff at the emergency.

Gambling-no form of gambling will be permitted on Salvation Army premises.  

Harassment-The Salvation Army will not tolerate verbal or physical conduct by any person which harasses, disrupts or interferes with another’s work performance or which creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment.  Harassment types include: sexual, racial, religious & personal.

Holidays-the office will be closed as follows: New Years Day, Martin Luther King, Presidents, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Thursday & Friday, & Christmas Day. (Some volunteer opportunities may occur during these dates of closure - contact the Volunteer Coordinator for a list of Holiday volunteer opportunities).

Insurance-is provided to all volunteers while acting in the scope of The Salvation Army volunteer assignment.   Non-Salvation Army vehicles are not covered under this policy.  Transporting clients in your car is permissible only with prior approval from your supervisor, a valid driver’s license and proof of liability coverage on your vehicle.

Language-swearing or inappropriate language conduct is cause for dismissal.

Meals-are available to volunteers who work a minimum of six hours a day over a meal period. 

Orientation-is required for all volunteers.  A general orientation is done by the Volunteer Coordinator and/or a specific orientation will be provided by the staff supervisor of the particular position.

Parking-free parking is available west of Spalding at the corner of Adams and Spalding.  Additional parking is available in two lots on Bryan Street behind Family Services.

Personal phone calls–are permitted with knowledge from your staff supervisor.

Photography-a consent form will be signed by the volunteer giving permission to take and utilize any photo for media release, this happens only on occasion.  Volunteers cannot take pictures or videos of other volunteers, clients or staff.

References-are always provided for volunteers in good standing upon request.  References are available to past and present volunteers for such areas as employment, school or other volunteer positions.

Signing Legal Documents-for clients is strictly forbidden. Refer any request to your staff supervisor.

Smoking-is not permitted except in designated areas of The Salvation Army campus. Please ask the staff supervisor about the most acceptable smoking area.

Solicitations-are permitted only by authorized approval.

Supervision and Training-by staff is guaranteed to all volunteers.  Each volunteer will be assigned a supervisor and will receive training by the supervisor.

Tardiness/Illness-please call your supervisor or the Volunteer Resource Department and advise that you will be late or not coming at all.  Whenever possible please provide 24 hours notice. When taking a vacation or leave of absence, please give your staff supervisor one week notice.

Valuables-avoid bringing valuables to work unless it is necessary.  Ask your supervisor for a safe place to keep purses, ect..  Do not give clients or staff monies of any denomination.

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