Volunteer Policies and Agreements

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us! Please read the following in its entirety.


Please note that all references to “St. John’s” refer to our entire organization, including St. John’s Shelter, The Micah Center and Wellspring.



I understand that I can withdraw from the application process at any time.


I understand that information may be obtained from sources I provided on the application  and this information will be held confidentially by St. John’s and its local representative(s) and not revealed to me.


I understand that St. John’s and its local representative(s) take all allegations of abuse seriously.  Abuse of minors or vulnerable adults is grounds for immediate dismissal and possible criminal charges.


I will notify the St. John’s Volunteer Coordinator if arrested, charged or convicted.


I understand that St. John’s is committed to maintaining a safe, healthy and efficient working environment for its employees/volunteers by creating a drug-free and crime-free workplace.  I am aware that St. John’s will complete a criminal background check on me upon receipt of this application, and staff may routinely complete criminal background checks on current volunteers at any time.



All volunteers are responsible for maintaining confidentiality and protecting the welfare of our guests, volunteers and staff.


I hereby affirm that I will not provide any personal information including last name, phone number and address to guests.


I will not be Facebook or social media friends with a St. John’s guest.


I will not use my personal vehicle to transport guests.


I will not meet outside of Shelter/The Micah Center/Wellspring with guests.


I will not call out or acknowledge guests outside of Shelter/The Micah Center/Wellspring, unless guest initiates greeting.


I will notify the Volunteer Coordinator of any situation involving myself and a guest that has potential to interface outside of Shelter/The Micah Center/Wellspring.


I will notify the Volunteer Coordinator or Executive Director of any relationship I observe that appears to challenge these boundaries between a guest and volunteer or staff.


I will continue to do my best to protect all members of our St. John’s family in a responsible, caring and loving manner.



All volunteers are responsible for maintaining and protecting the confidentiality of information as it relates to guests and St. John’s.  Maintaining confidentiality will be in compliance with the law, enhance trust between the guests and St. John's, and respect the guest’s and St. John’s right to privacy.  St. John’s regards guest privacy seriously.


As a volunteer of St. John’s, I do hereby affirm that I will treat all St. John’s guests and organizational information as confidential.  I will not divulge any information regarding guests either directly or indirectly.  I further understand that I convey information concerning guests to shelter staff members and/or volunteers as necessary only for the proper provision of service to the guests.   All requests for information made by professional agencies will be referred to the Lead Staff.


I fully realize the importance of maintaining confidentiality and that a violation of confidentiality could result in immediate termination as a volunteer.  Should such termination occur, I understand that my obligation to protect the confidentiality of both the guest and organizational information will continue after termination of my relationship with St. John’s.  I further realize that any breach of confidentiality could also result in legal action by a guest.



I certify that the information provided in this application is true, to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing false or misleading information at any time during the application process may lead to discharge from St. John's. If I become a volunteer of St. John's, I agree to follow all rules and regulations of St. John's as they develop and change. I allow St. John's to conduct investigations on me, my background and my performance, and am aware that such investigations will become a part of my volunteer record. I authorize St John's to verify the accuracy of the information within this application. I release St. John's from liability for collecting information about me and using it to make volunteer decisions. This application for volunteering is valid for the next 90 days. I understand that if I wish to be considered for employment after this period of time, I must apply again.



I understand that selecting the box below indicates that I have read the above information fully. I hereby accept the Declarations, Boundaries Agreement, Confidentiality Statement and the Applicant’s Statement. I am agreeing of my own free will. I understand that selecting this box serves as my signature.

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