Vision's Volunteer Policy
Multimedia Consent
By checking the box below, I authorize Vision Gaspé Percé Now to photograph or videotape me during the course of my volunteer activities and to use these for educational or publicity purposes in print and electronic media (i.e. e-newsletters, website). I waive any rights to compensation or ownership of these photographs, digital or video images.
Confidentiality agreement
As a volunteer member of the team, you will likely learn details about the personal lives of clients. You must keep this information confidential. “Confidential” means that you must not reveal clients’ names or talk about them to anyone else in ways that could make their identity known to others.
Confidentiality is a core value in providing safe and ethical health and social services. Our board of directors, staff and clients are counting on you as a volunteer to respect to this agreement. Respecting confidentiality also helps protect you from any personal liability. Failure to comply may lead to dismissal from your volunteer duties.
As a volunteer, I agree to abide by the code of ethics, confidentiality and regulations in force in the performance of my tasks.
Duty of care
We have a duty of care to ensure the safety of our clients. You have, therefore, been asked to provide your birth date so that we may conduct a standard police check (level: background check).
I understand and authorize the Volunteer Coordinator to check my record. I understand that the information will remain confidential and will be read only by authorized individuals in accordance with privacy legislation as necessary to respect the organization’s Duty of Care.
Vision Gaspé Percé Now carries general liability insurance that covers you during the volunteer activities you conduct on behalf of the Centre. Community Services also protects its volunteers through CNESST. Volunteers are covered in most areas, with two important exceptions:
1. Volunteers are not trained medical professionals. You must NEVER perform a medical procedure or give medications, not even an aspirin. This is to protect everyone from mishaps: you, the volunteer and the client.
2. Community Partners’ insurance does not cover volunteers’ personal vehicles. If you use your own car to do your volunteer work (such as driving a client to a medical appointment), then you must tell your insurance company.
I declare and acknowledge that all the tasks I will perform will be performed without remuneration.
False statement
A false statement or omission of fact may be sufficient cause for rejection of my application or dismissal.
By checking the box below, I agree to these policies and that a background/criminal record check will be conducted.