Volunteer Agreement
We'll make sure you
- understand how your work is benefitting the river and its wildlife
- have a good understanding of Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust and its objectives
- feel welcome, respected and a valued participant of the team
- know who your leader is and who you are answerable to
- have safe working conditions
- are carrying out tasks suitable to your ability
- know how to do your tasks safely and effectively
- have access to relevant training
- are insured to take part in our volunteering activities
- know who to approach if you have a problem
In return we ask you to
- be reliable and punctual - our work sites are often difficult to find so if you’re not at the meeting point on time, you may struggle to find the group.
- Inform your supervisor of any personal health and safety requirements that you may have.
- pay attention to and adhere to the leader’s health and safety advice
- carry out your tasks as your leader has instructed ask for support if you need it
- be respectful and courteous to your fellow volunteers
- adhere to Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust’s equality and safeguarding policies
- respect the land on which you are working
- follow the countryside code and take any litter home with you - even if it’s not yours!
- Plan and organise your own travel to volunteering events with particular regard to health and safety aspects of getting to the event i.e. check weather forecast and assess weather and road conditions at the time.
- Consider whether you are fit and able to complete the task. If you are unsure please contact us to discuss. We can make sure you are aware of the terrain and walking time to the different activities.