Tenth Life Cat Rescue Volunteer Expectations
Once your volunteer application is approved, you will be invited to attend an orientation session at our adoption lounge, and then, begin volunteering by directly helping care for our cats. In the meantime, please review our agreements.
As a Tenth Life volunteer, we ask that you agree to:
- submit to a background check before your scheduled orientation session
- attend your scheduled orientation session
- abide by the policies and procedures of Tenth Life Cat Rescue
- volunteer a minimum of once per month
- notify leadership if unable to volunteer when scheduled
We agree to:
- provide orientation, training, supervision, and leadership to you
- after a minimum of three volunteer shifts at our adoption lounge, provide you with a choice of volunteer opportunities, where possible
Please read the following documents.
Tenth Life Volunteer Waiver *you will be required to sign at your scheduled orientation session
Tenth Life Bite Prevention Manual