Vancouver Pride Society Volunteer Agreement

VPS Volunteer Agreement


  1. Overview
    1. This Volunteer Agreement (the “Agreement”) defines the relationship between the Vancouver Pride Society, including its directors, officers, employees, representatives and agents (collectively “VPS”), and the “Volunteer” named in the Better Impact on-line application.
    2. The Volunteer agrees as a precondition to their volunteering for VPS and in consideration of VPS allowing the Volunteer to do so, that the Volunteer will strictly be bound by the terms of this Agreement.
    3. The Volunteer is not an employee or contractor of VPS and is not compensated for their time while volunteering for VPS, however they will be reimbursed for any expenses while volunteering for VPS.
    4. The VPS Volunteer Policy is posted on VPS Website.
    5. Volunteers should contact the VPS Volunteer Coordinator at or by phone at 604 687 0955 if they have any questions or concerns about this Agreement or while volunteering for VPS.
  2. Volunteer Benefits and Management
    1. VPS strives to provide volunteer opportunities that are satisfying, fulfilling, meaningful and that encourage friendship and comradery.
    2. After VPS accepts a volunteer application, the VPS Volunteer Handbook will be provided, which further details on benefits, incentives and how VPS manages their volunteers.
    3. VPS uses Better Impact to manage volunteers. Volunteers are encouraged to use Better Impact to manage their profile and shift assignments, however Volunteers have the option to not use Better Impact and VPS will manage volunteer profiles and shift assignments by e-mail or phone.
    4. VPS will provide appropriate training to the Volunteer role, including a 2 hour orientation session.
    5. VPS will provide a complete schedule of requirements for the Volunteer prior to the start of the event.
    6. VPS will provide volunteers with suitable identification when working with the public or at public events. Volunteers will display their identification for shifts at public events or when the public is present.
    7. VPS will provide a VPS T-shirt, an invitation to a volunteer appreciation party and entry to a draw for volunteer prizes for the Volunteer that completing at least one volunteer shift. Volunteers that complete more than one volunteer shift will be entered into additional draws for volunteer prizes, complimentary tickets to a variety of sporting and cultural events and additional incentives that will be proportional to their number of hours that they volunteered for VPS.
    8. Most VPS volunteer shifts will also include water, food or other refreshments that may vary and will depend upon the nature of the shift.
    9. VPS shifts vary in length depending on the role.
  3. Privacy and Communication
    1. The VPS Privacy Statement is posted on the VPS website.
    2. The Volunteer understands the VPS will keep their information confidential and will never sell it to third parties. The Volunteer consents to the collection, use, and disclosure of aggregated data of the information provided, in order that VPS may manage their volunteers and provide the Volunteer with benefits related to rewards or recognition provided to volunteers.
    3. The communication options between VPS and the Volunteer are identified and defined in the Qualifications section of the Better Impact on-line application.
    4. The Volunteer commits to respond to any VPS communication relating to their volunteer activities in a timely manner and to provide accurate, up-to-date contact information.
  4. Code of Conduct – Volunteers agree that they will:
    1. Perform volunteer duties to the best of your abilities.
    2. Respect the gender identity, sexual orientation and gender expression of all peoples.
    3. Treat Vancouver Pride Society volunteers, directors, employees and members of the public fairly and without discrimination.
    4. Respect the property of the Vancouver Pride Society and the City of Vancouver.
    5. Be courteous, friendly, patient, flexible, enthusiastic and cooperative.
    6. Honour confidentiality.
    7. Offer constructive feedback about our organization in an appropriate manner.
    8. Direct all media requests to the authorized VPS Media Representatives or their supervisor. VPS authorization is required before the Volunteer can comment to the media.
    9. Follow through on commitments and advise their supervisor or volunteer coordinator in a timely manner if unable to perform work as scheduled.
  5. Respect in the Workplace
    1. The VPS is committed to providing volunteers with a safe and supporting environment and every person has a right to be treated with respect and dignity at all times. This is described further in the VPS Respect in the Workplace Policy including how Volunteers may initiate a complaint and how complaints are managed.
  6. Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity
    1. The Volunteer acknowledges that accidents can occur with or without any fault on the part of the Volunteer or VPS, and that volunteer at VPS is at the Volunteer’s own risk.
    2. The Volunteer hereby waives any and all claims, which they may have against VPS and release VPS from any and all liability for injury, death, property damage or any other losses sustained by the volunteer or the volunteer’s next of kin as a result of volunteering for VPS, due to any cause whatsoever, including without limitation, negligence, breach of contract, or breach of any statutory or other duty of care by VPS.
    3. The volunteer further agrees to indemnify VPS for any claims, demands, obligations and causes of action arising for any costs, expenses and compensation of any kind whatsoever, including but not limited to legal and other professional fees, made by any person or entity arising in relation to their volunteering for VPS.
    4. The Volunteer acknowledges and agree that this Agreement limits the liability of the VPS directors, officers, employees, representatives and agents to the same extent as it limits the liability of VPS, even though the VPS directors, officers, employees, representatives and agents are not formal parties to this Agreement. In no event will the Volunteer hold VPS or its VPS directors, officers, employees, representatives and agents liable for losses sustained by the Volunteer or the Volunteer’s next of kin resulting from volunteering for VPS.
    5. In the event of any accident or illness affecting the Volunteer, the Volunteer authorizes VPS to authorize, on their behalf, all procedures, including admission to hospital and any necessary treatment therein deemed essential for the care and well-being of the Volunteer. Such action is only to be taken when immediate authorization from the Volunteer cannot be obtained. It is understood that VPS are not responsible for any medical care costs.
  7. Termination
    1. This Agreement will continue indefinitely until terminated by either VPS or the Volunteer.
    2. The Volunteer understands and fully accept that VPS reserves the right, at any time, to refuse, without penalty or compensation, their continued volunteering for VPS, as determined at the sole discretion of VPS or its Agents that the Volunteer is a hazard to themselves, or other volunteers, or VPS staff or the public. VPS is not required to disclose the reasons for termination.  


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