Volunteer Requirements & Acceptance Policy
Dear Applicant: Please read this message in its entirety prior to applying to become a CCADT disaster responder. If you have any questions, please email to volunteer@ccadt.org.
Before you fill out this application form, please complete these three requirements:
1. "Introduction to the CCADT" Volunteer Orientation (check monthly schedule)
2. FEMA IS-100.b - Introduction To the Incident Command System"
3. FEMA IS-200.c - Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
4. FEMA 700.b: Introduction to the National Incident Command System (NIMS)
The FEMA courses are FREE online courses.
IMPORTANT: Prior to enrolling in the FEMA courses, you must obtain a FEMA Student ID (SID). You won't be able to complete these online courses without it. Click here to enroll: https://cdp.dhs.gov/femasid
To access the online FEMA courses, go to https://training.fema.gov/ and then click on the "Independent Study" link. Search for the courses. After successful completion of each FEMA course, you will be issued a Certificate of Completion link. After clicking on the link, you should receive the certificate in a PDF. Please have these two certificates available for upload to complete the application form.
If you think you may problems uploading the files to the application form, please contact us at volunteer@ccadt.org prior to filling it out. We will be happy to assist you.
I understand that based on the completion of the application and disclaimer forms, the screening process, and any available volunteer training and orientation, the Volunteer Coordinator, Operations Director, and/or the Chief Executive Officer reserves the right to determine who will be approved as a volunteer. During an incident, volunteers will be deployed at the discretion of the Volunteer Coordinator and/or Chief Executive Officer.
I understand that volunteering with the CCADT may require travel to an incident within one of the seven counties - Fresno, Madera, Kings, Tulare, Mariposa, Merced, and Kern. It may also require being away from my job and home for a pre-determined length of time. Although best efforts will be made by the CCADT, I understand that travel costs may not be reimbursed either before, during, or after the deployment. I will not be compensated for my deployment time.
If called upon, I understand that I’m not obligated to participate in any response.
While deployed and working with the CCADT at an incident, I am expected to abide by the organization’s professional Code of Conduct.
I agree to abide by the authority of the CCADT and the county’s emergency response agencies (law enforcement, animal control, fire department, etc.) and to follow instructions while participating under their leadership.