Volunteer Confidentiality & Waiver Agreement, Volunteer Policy Agreement

By completing the Volunteer Registration you agree to the following: 

Volunteer Waiver & Release

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House (KNH) is a non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening community through leadership, collaboration and opportunity.

As a Kits House volunteer, I agree to:

  • Submit a criminal record check form through KNH.
  • Share my skills, ideas, time and enthusiasm within this organization and my community, and to engage in all activities during my volunteer placement.
  • Agree that my participation at KNH is voluntary and arrived at consensually between the volunteer and Kits House’s staff.
  • Perform duties as described in the volunteer position description to the best of my abilities following the organizations rules, policies and procedures.
  • Refuse to perform any activity which I feel is dangerous to me, is beyond my capability, or may cause injury to others.
  • Authorize the use of my name and photographs for promotional purposes.
  • Authorize KNH to add my information on to Better Impact software, a program used for volunteer management.
  • Receive emails from Kits House.


Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement

As a volunteer at Kitsilano Neighbourhood House (KNH), I understand that I may have access to confidential information, both verbal and written, relating to clients, volunteers or staff of this organization.

As a volunteer of this organization, I understand and agree that:

  • I will not disclose confidential information obtained in the course of my volunteer placement to third parties.
  • I will ask for written permission of the client and/or staff of KNH if information needs to be revealed for further clarification. 
  • I will keep in strictest confidence all information pertaining to financial status and operations such as budget information, donations of money or gifts, salary information, and information pertaining to clients, staff or other volunteers.
  • I will not share or divulge any information about printed materials, policies and procedures, conversations, messages, resources, contacts and staff’s/volunteer’s personal life.
  • I will not disclose or misuse any material or information whether intentional or unintentional.
  • I will not discuss any of the above mentioned after I have left my volunteer position at KNH.
  • Exception:
  • If I come across information which I feel may harm an individual or group of individuals (physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually), I am obliged to share the information with the Coordinator of Volunteers or another KNH staff member so that they can take further action.
  • I understand the conditions to volunteer as listed above in the Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement and I agree to maintain confidentiality during my volunteer service with KNH. I understand any failure to maintain confidentiality may result in the termination of my volunteer placement with KNH.


Volunteer Policy Agreement 

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House relies on volunteers to help deliver many programs at Kits House.

As a volunteer of this organization I have read, and understand the following policies as outlined below

  • Keep confidential all internal communications and all member, client, customer, staff, and volunteer information. 
  • A volunteer work environment in which all volunteers, members, clients and employees are treated with dignity and respect and are free of harassment, bullying, and discrimination. Any form of these behaviors will not be tolerated. 
  • Carry out the responsibilities required by your volunteer position, recognizing they may change over time.  
  • Conduct yourself in a professional manner when volunteering and treat all members, clients, customers, staff, volunteers, and the community at large with respect.  
  • Not accept any gift, gratuity, favor, entertainment, reward, or any other item of monetary value in exchange for your volunteer services.  
  • Not solicit members, customers, clients, or other volunteers for any commercial ventures or personal gain.  
  • Not present yourself as a representative of Kitsilano Neighbourhood House when interacting with any external contacts (including the media, community partners, and government officials) without the express prior permission of West End Seniors’ Network Staff.  
  • Inform your staff supervisor of any planned or unexpected absences. 
  • Notify your staff supervisor or the Manager of Volunteer Resources as soon as possible if you are no longer able to carry out any of the responsibilities of your volunteer position, or wish to leave your position.  


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