Volunteer Agreement
We want to ensure that for as long as you are volunteering with Urban Green Newcastle you know what you can expect from us and what will be expected of you.
By registering as an Urban Green Volunteer you must agree to:
• Embrace and exhibit our values.
• Be an advocate for Urban Green Newcastle.
• Play your part in making everyone feel welcome and accepted.
• Follow direction and instruction from UGN staff.
• Share your ideas and opinions with us.
• Come to us directly with any questions or concerns so we can address them.
• Give us as much notice as possible if you are unable to volunteer.
In return we will agree to:
• Provide opportunities to make a valued and meaningful contribution.
• Give you a proper induction and all of the relevant training for your role.
• Keep you up to date with what is happening at Urban Green Newcastle.
• Treat you fairly and in line with the Equality Act.
• Create a safe working environment.
• Give you the chance to share your views with us.
• Provide a named contact you can go to with any questions and/or for support.
• Opportunities to feedback on your role and clear guidance on what to do if there’s a problem
• Thank you regularly for your hard work!
Please note, when signing up to volunteer with Urban Green Newcastle, your application represents an individual unless you contact us to register as a group. This means we are unable to allow anyone to bring additional people along on tasks with them, this includes children or friends. We also are unable to accept if pets (service animals are excluded from this rule) are brought along to volunteering tasks as they pose a distraction and are not covered in risk assessments.