Vegan NSW Privacy and Volunteer Terms
Welcome, it's great to see you here!
Vegan NSW is a community organisation and charity that promotes veganism and supports vegans.
We run regular weekend events, online events, and The Vegan Directory that help to showcase the incredible world of veganism, bring the vegan communities of NSW together in a safe, fun and delicious way, and centre the importance of being eco conscious and sustainable.
Vegan NSW relies on volunteers for almost everything we do, whether it's running our amazing events, advocating for animals, or supporting people to live their best vegan life. It's all about the vegan movement growing and thriving, and our volunteers are essential for this. At each event we offer over 50 opportunities for volunteering from event operations, stall management, social media and marketing, research, admin and more.
Thank you for being willing to join the team and lend a hand!
A note for returning volunteers: If you already have an existing account, please log in here and update it where appropriate, do not complete a new application form. Phew!
We bring community together
Our team of volunteers are essential to everything that we do, including helping to create a safe and welcoming environment at all of our events and activities!
We are vegan
Stalls can only sell vegan products at our events.
We reward
We understand your time is valuable and we hope that as well as contributing to our vision of creating a vegan world, you are also rewarded by connecting with our beautiful communities and finding opportunities to learn and grow.
Our volunteers can access:
- Volunteer Rewards Program on event days that include freebies, deals and discounts
- Orientation and training for the role
- A whole stack of like minded people that are helping to change the world
We are safe for all
Vegan NSW is committed to veganism, evidence-based information, social justice, and supporting the communities that engage with our events, the directory and social media. We want everyone to feel safe and included in our spaces!
We do everything we can (& ask you to do the same!) to support the physical safety of all of our stall holders, volunteers, staff and event attendees, and we make sure our events are welcoming for everyone by ensuring all of our venues are accessible, and by providing free activations including live music, talks and yoga classes.
We use inclusive language and avoid language, ideas and products that may cause offence or harm to others such as:
- People of colour/black people/Aboriginal/First Nations or non-white people (racist or colonialist language)
- People from the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans & non-binary, intersex, queer or asexual communities (homophobic and transphobic language)
- People with disability or chronic illness (ableism)
- People in specific age groups (ageism)
- People of different body sizes, appearance, or dress (fat, thin, fashion or other appearance shaming)
Please be open to feedback about this.
We are respectful
Vegan NSW supports open discussion of ideas and encourages people to make their own well-informed decisions. However, our mission is to be in a position to advocate for veganism, so we are careful about which debates we engage in or prioritise. We ask you to behave in ways that support our vision by ensuring that you engage in discussions that have the potential to turn to conflict with respectful dialogue.
We are eco responsible
All single use service ware that is provided by our food and beverage stalls must be compostable and certified to the current version of AS 4736 - The Australian commercial compost standards in Australia. All other plastic is not permitted.
We are outdoors
All of our weekend events are held in the great outdoors. Our attendees love sitting on the grass (weather permitting!) and lazing the day away surrounded by vegan heaven! Unless it is unsafe we will go ahead regardless of the weather so please ensure you are prepared and wear weather appropriate gear to your shift. We have sunscreen, masks, gloves and hand sanitiser available at the Info Tent.
We value feedback
We are always keen for your input and feedback so that we can continue to get better and reach our goals, so please let us know your thoughts.
Final Bits:
- Vegan NSW will only collect, use your information and store it in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.
By clicking the below you agree to provide your personal information and to be contacted regarding volunteer opportunities, and if accepted, you will respect and follow the above policies and will let us know if anything changes.