Terms of Agreement
Terms of Agreement
Lollypop Farm would love it if you could commit to 2 hours a week for a minimum of one year, but we realize that does not work for everyone. Lollypop Farm is willing to work with you if you have a unique scheduling need depending on the area you are interested in working in. We do our best to provide mutually beneficial relationships with our volunteers wherever possible.
Volunteers should notify the staff member in their area in case of necessary absence or shift changes. It is also most appreciated if volunteers notify the volunteer manager if they wish to discontinue their volunteer time.
I confirm that the information on this application is correct. I understand the commitment involved and acknowledge that my services are offered at my own risk. I agree to adhere to Lollypop Farm policies and carry out my duties effectively.
Lollypop Farm recommends that all volunteers be current on their tetanus vaccination. There is no coverage or payment for volunteers for injuries or illnesses that happen related to your role or time volunteering with us.
Confidentiality: Your information will not be shared, except in the case of another volunteer or staff wishing to reach you for a work related purpose. All volunteers are expected to maintain confidentiality of any personal information of members, customers, staff or volunteers that they may encounter in the course of their work here.
Lollypop Farm looks forward to a long and happy relationship with you!