RVWS Release Agreement
Volunteer Release Agreement
Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary (RVWS) is a registered charity that cares for sick, injured orphaned wild mammals with the goal of returning them to the wild. There are many opportunities to volunteer at RVWS, such as hands on wildlife care, building and grounds maintenance. This work involves risks. Through its volunteer training, RVWS attempts to inform you of these risks. RVWS carries general liability insurance; however, to remain financially viable as an organization, RVWS cannot assume responsibility for your exposure to these risks. Therefore, in order to volunteer with RVWS, you must accept this Agreement. If you have any questions please call 613-258-9480.Thank you!
In consideration for RVWS accepting me as a volunteer (“Volunteer”):
A. I acknowledge that:
- I am 18 years of age or older;
- RVWS cares for wildlife such as foxes, deer, weasels, skunks, raccoons, squirrels and other species;
- by volunteering for RVWS, Volunteer will be exposed to wildlife and many other risks and hazards;
- wildlife can carry diseases, including rabies, and these diseases can be transmitted to people and to domestic animals;
- wildlife can also bite, kick, gash, scratch, puncture, poke, wound, cut, or pierce, or possibly injure me in some other way ;
- only RVWS volunteers with rabies pre-exposure vaccinations will be allowed to handle rabies-vector species, which include foxes, raccoons and skunks;
- I/Volunteer give up substantial legal rights by signing this Agreement;
- I have read and understood this Volunteer Release Agreement; and
- I have signed this Agreement freely and voluntarily.
B. I agree that if Volunteer decides to help care for wildlife for RVWS, Volunteer will:
- read and abide by the conditions of our Wildlife Custodian Authorization, volunteer manual and any other written or oral instructions, policies and procedures;
- if Volunteer wishes to work with rabies vector species such as raccoon, skunk and fox, be vaccinated for rabies and provide proof of up-to-date vaccination to RVWS;
- be vaccinated for tetanus and provide proof of up-to-date vaccination to RVWS if requested;
- if Volunteer resides with pets, ensure that those pets are vaccinated against rabies, canine parvovirus, canine distemper, feline panleukopenia, leptospirosis and provide proof of vaccination to RVWS if requested.
C. I also agree that I (for myself, Volunteer, heirs, executors, administrators and assigns) release, indemnify and save harmless RVWS (and its directors, officers, agents, employees and volunteers) from and against all liability, costs and expenses including but not limited to legal fees, claims, demands, damages, actions and causes of action arising out of or in connection with any loss, injury, death or property damage which Volunteer may incur in connection with the performance of duties as a Volunteer for RVWS whether or not such loss, injury, death or property damage arises by reason of the negligence of RVWS, its directors, officers, agents, employees and volunteers or otherwise.