Youth Volunteer Agreement
This agreement is for Youth Volunteers, or parents signing up their children as youth volunteers. Please use the General Volunteer Application if you are over 18 years of age. If you are signing up as a group representative (i.e. scout leader), please use the Group Volunteer Application.
Youth Volunteer Agreement
Both the participant and parent should read and understand the following rules and policies.
- I, as the Youth Volunteer, am expected to wear appropriate work clothing and shoes as described in each event description (these may vary based on the activity type, i.e. stream monitoring vs. brush removal).
- I, as the Youth Volunteer, am expected to comply with established Dane County policies and procedures, including safety rules listed with an activity.
- Parent/Guardian: I authorize my child to participate in program activities and give Dane County permission to use photographs and video taken during programming for public relations purposes and advertising.
Liability Exclusion (Parent/Guardian Agreement)
Please read carefully the information below. Your child may not participate as a youth volunteer without the receipt of this completed online application form.
- Liability Exclusion: By participating as a youth volunteer with Dane County, you voluntarily assume for your Minor all risks and voluntarily release Dane County Parks, the Lussier Family Heritage Center, the Land & Water Resources Department, and their agents and employees from all liability for any illness or injuries you or your child may receive as a result of participating as a youth volunteer involved with Dane County volunteer activities and events.
- The volunteer participant understands that they are not a Dane County employee and is not entitled to compensation in any form, including but not limited to wages. As a non-employee, the Volunteer further understands that he/she does not qualify for worker’s compensation benefits if injured while performing volunteer work, and therefore, the Volunteer should have personal medical insurance.
- The Volunteer understands that Dane County carries general liability insurance and the volunteer participant may be eligible for legal defense and indemnification by Dane County if someone brings a claim against the Volunteer based upon the services performed by the Volunteer in good faith for Dane County.