Policies and Procedures for Volunteers





We are a low barrier shelter – many of our clients live with untreated mental illness or are in active addiction.


We do not require our clients to be clean of substances in order to access our services – some clients may be under the influence.


Some clients are in crisis, and may show signs of irritability or agitation.  If you encounter a client showing these signs, refrain from engaging the client and alert staff immediately.


All volunteers must read through policies and procedures below and accept policies before coming in to volunteer. Volunteers must also read through our volunteer manual that has been sent to your primary email, and must confirm completion of this task via email before you can continue. 

Please email acapone@cc-md.org or volunteermspwc@cc-md.org with any questions or concerns.


My Sister’s Place Women’s Center Volunteer Policies


My Sister’s Place Women’s Center is a program of Catholic Charities of Baltimore (legal name: Associated Catholic Charities, Inc. or ACC).   


I endorse the mission of My Sister’s Place Women’s Center and understand that I am required to maintain the confidentiality of all speech, writing, conduct, and information relating to any client served. Also, I agree to abide by the instructions given to me by the staff of Catholic Charities. I authorize Catholic Charities to verify the information provided and to make any further inquiries in connection with evaluating my application for volunteer placement. I further authorize any individual or organization to provide Catholic Charities with information in connection with my application for volunteer placement.




I certify I am at least 18 years of age (if not, I certify that I have had a parent or guardian read these policies) and have voluntarily applied to serve as a volunteer for Associated Catholic Charities, Inc. 


By agreeing to these policies, I acknowledge that my activities as a volunteer may involve potential risk of property damage and/or personal injury, which might result from my own action or inaction, the negligence of others, the condition of the premises on which volunteer services are rendered or of any equipment used during such service, or other causes.  I fully understand, appreciate, and assume all such hazards and risks. 


I agree to abide by all rules and regulations established from time to time by ACC and/or its officers, employees or agents, and I understand that ACC may, in its sole discretion, revise such rules and regulations periodically.


I certify that I am fully responsible for my participation as a volunteer for ACC. In consideration of the opportunity to serve as a volunteer and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, I knowingly and voluntarily hereby forever release, discharge, wave, and covenant not to sue Associated Catholic Charities, Inc., its officers, directors, employees, agents, and volunteers, and I agree to indemnify and hold it/them harmless from any and all claims, actions, suits, or liability for bodily injury, property damage, or wrongful death caused by any reason whatsoever, resulting directly or indirectly from my participation as a volunteer for or on behalf of ACC or its programs.  




As a volunteer at My Sister’s Place Women’s Center, it is important to maintain a professional spirit, method, and character. I will treat every client, employee and volunteer with respect and will not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, socioeconomic status, or any other quality It is important to emphasize that relationships with clients must be kept strictly professional and within the confines of the services provided through My Sister’s Place Women’s Center programs. It is considered inappropriate and unprofessional to engage in interactions and relationships at My Sister’s Place Women’s Center that are more personal in nature, including attending outside social events with clients, interacting personally on social media, exchanging cell phone numbers, home addresses or other personal contact information, etc.  (If you are unsure about whether a contact/interaction would fall outside of the definition of “professional,” please consult with a program manager to clarify.)  Sexual harassment of an employee, client or volunteer is strictly forbidden.


There will be no unauthorized use, possession, or storage of a firearm. I will not initiate a false report of an emergency (fire, bomb threat, etc.). I will not possess or distribute illegal drugs or controlled substances. I will not furnish false information to  My Sister’s Place Women’s Center. I will also refrain from unauthorized use of the My Sister’s Place Women’s Center property.


I will abide by the dress code when volunteering as follows: • Pants and shirts should be presentable, will not be revealing, and provide appropriate coverage. (i.e. no sweatpants, exercise wear, leggings, midriff-baring tops, spaghetti straps, etc.). If jeans are permitted, they must be presentable. • Clothing with inappropriate language will be prohibited. • Dresses and skirts should be appropriate for the program’s environment. Inappropriate choices include minis, spaghetti straps, open backs, low-cut, or revealing dresses or skirts. • Shoes should be clean, in good repair, and appropriate for the location in which the volunteer serves. Flip flops and water shoes are not appropriate. Some programs may require closed-toed shoes. • Hair and nails should be cleaned and neatly groomed. Nail length should be appropriate to the essential functions of the volunteer service. I will ask my Volunteer Service Leader questions about the dress code if I am unclear.


I will give 24-48 hours’ notice, as often as possible, for any schedule changes.  Should I violate any of these terms, My Sister’s Place Women’s Center reserves the right to terminate the volunteer position and/or any volunteer, with or without cause and/or notice and for any reason whatsoever.




  • Freedom from unlawful discrimination on the grounds of age, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or disability.


  • Freedom of expression and inquiry. This right is always grounded in respect for diversity and civil discourse.


  • Freely associate with all members of My Sister’s Place Women’s Center. In return, you are charged with always respecting the rights of others, keeping with Catholic Charities vision.


  • Privacy in general, particularly of your personal information. This right includes the right to inspect or challenge the accuracy of these records. In return, the privacy of other volunteers and employees must be respected.


  • Freedom from unlawful intimidation or coercion, including sexual harassment.




I hereby give Associated Catholic Charities, Inc., My Sister’s Place Women’s Center and its programs the right and permission to copyright and/or use, reuse and/or publish, and republish photographic pictures or videotape or portraits of me, with my own or fictitious name, or reproductions thereof in color, or black and white made through any media for any purpose whatsoever.


I hereby waive any right to inspect or approve the finished photograph or advertising copy or video or printed matter that may be used in conjunction therewith or to the eventual use that it might be applied.

I hereby release, discharge and agree to save harmless the photographer and/or videographer, his/her representatives assigns, employees or any person or persons, corporation of corporations, acting under his/her permission or authority, or any person, persons, corporation or corporations, for whom he/she might be acting, including any firm publishing and/or distributing the finished product, in whole or in part, from and against any liability as a result of any distortion, blurring, or alteration, optical illusions, or use in composite form, either intentionally or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in the taking, processing or reproduction of the finished product, its publication or distribution of the same.

I hereby warrant that I am over eighteen years of age, and competent to contract in my own name insofar as the above is concerned.

I understand that am not going to receive compensation for these photographs.

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