Volunteer Policies and Agreements

Welcome to PILSC! We thank you for taking the time to read and review our policies. You will be asked to read and sign again once you have been interviewed and accepted. 


PILSC Non-Discrimination Policy 

We are dedicated to supporting individuals of all faiths, ethnicities,  cultures, abilities, age, sexual orientations, and gender identities. You will have an opportunity to meet and work with people from diverse groups. It is the policy of this agency that there will be no discrimination in its programs, activities or employment based on race, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, religion, national origin, age, mental or physical ability. 

Confidentiality Policy:

Our organization is dedicated to a safe and confidential space for all its members. No information may be released without appropriate authorization. PILSC expects you to respect the privacy of clients and to maintain their personal information as confidential. All records dealing with specific clients must be treated as confidential. Confidentiality may only be breached if imminent harm to self or others has been disclosed.

Safety Policy

Our organization is dedicated to the health and safety of each of its members. PILSC ensures that none of its members are subjected to or participate in harassment or violence within our Centre space.

Volunteer Screening Policy

Our organization will screen and select candidates based on requirements determined through an assessment of risks. Interviews and requests for required information will be conducted in a manner that reflects the labour and human rights legislation in Alberta. The screening process will take reasonable and fair precautions to ensure volunteers selected meet the organization requirements of the position.

Illness, Leave and Vacation Policy

PILSC strives to provide a healthy space that supports a family/life balance and recommends volunteers spend uninterrupted periods of time away from the  responsibilities of the Centre to promote life balance. The purpose of this policy is to provide a consistent approach to managing illness and vacation. It is the joint responsibility of PILSC and the volunteers to ensure that vacation leave is scheduled. 

Termination Policy

PILSC reserves the right to evaluate the placement and performance of a volunteer.  This may lead to the reassignment of the volunteer or the termination of the relationship between the volunteer and the Director in the case of unsatisfactory service, gross misconduct, or failure to comply with policies and procedures.

Grievance Policy

Our organization will ensure volunteers receive the best experience and that each individual behaviour will be conducted in a manner that reflects the labour and human rights legislation in Alberta. The grievance process will take reasonable and fair precautions to ensure volunteers are sufficiently meeting the requirements of the position

Supervision and Evaluation Policy

Our organization will ensure volunteers receive supervision and evaluations that will be conducted in a manner that reflects the labour and human rights legislation in Alberta. The supervision and evaluations process will take reasonable and fair precautions to ensure volunteers are sufficiently complete the requirements of the position.

Volunteer Training and Development Policy

PILSC strives to provide a healthy space that supports volunteers. The purpose of this policy is to provide a consistent approach to volunteer support and recognition. It is the joint responsibility of PILSC and the volunteers to provide support and recognition to each other.

Drug and Alcohol Policy

PILSC is committed to providing a safe and healthy work, learning, and living environment for volunteers, staff, clients, board members and practitioners. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that PILSC is in compliance with all federal, provincial, and municipal laws concerning the use of Drugs and Alcohol.  Substance use is not permitted during volunteer shifts.

Alberta Legislation Policies

Information regarding patients, staff, volunteers, practitioners, family members and PILSC operations is to be respected and handled confidentially. There are two pieces of Alberta Legislation that are important to us: Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPP) of Alberta & The Health Information Act (HIA) of Alberta

Conflict of Interest Policy:

Individuals who have conflicting interests with any activity or program of the PILSC, whether personal, philosophical, or financial, must have conflict documented prior to volunteering with the PILSC.


By clicking below I agree to have read this document in full and that I understand and will abide by these expectations and responsibilities throughout my service as a volunteer at the Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Centre. It is also expected that you read, sign and upload the complete version of each policy once accepted. 


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