California Archaeological Site Stewardship Program Confidentiality Agreement
I agree that I have read, comprehend, and agree to comply with the Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 and the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.
I agree that I have read, comprehend, and agree to comply with relevant state laws, including California Public Resources Code 5097.
I have read, comprehend, and agree to comply with the Society for California Archaeology by-laws Article XVI: Code of Ethical Guidelines, Section 1: Ethical responsibility to the Public.
I fully understand the confidential nature of working at archaeological, historical, and paleontological sites, and working with archaeological data, and I agree to respect that confidentiality.
I will ensure that specific site location information is not distributed in public documents, social media nor made available to unauthorized individuals.
Furthermore, I agree to forward any information pertinent to cultural resources management to archaeologists of California State Parks.
I understand that failure to comply with any aspect of the above agreement is grounds for denial of subsequent access to the cultural resource site record data.