Liability Release & Volunteer Policy
Before we begin with the application process. Volunteers are a critical part of the mission and work of the Cibolo Center for Conservation. All volunteer applicants must agree to Cibolo's Liability Release and Volunteer Ethical Code.
Liability Release
I hereby release the City of Boerne, its agents and employees, and the Friends of the Cibolo Wilderness, its staff and other volunteers from all liability for personal injury, illness, allergies, death, or any other loss or damage incurred by me during, or as a result of participation in the Cibolo’s volunteer activities. I also give my consent to and authorize Cibolo to use and reproduce photographs or film footage taken of me for editorial, promotional, social media, or advertising purposes. I also agree that any photos I take as a Cibolo volunteer may be used by the CNC&F for promotional and marketing purposes.
Volunteer Code of Ethics
Volunteers may not accept monetary compensation for the performance of tasks as a volunteer, including fees, gratuities or gifts to either the volunteer or to the volunteer’s immediate family or household. (This excludes nominal “thank you's", such as food and beverages when volunteers are working at events where the Cibolo provides the same for participants in that event.)
Volunteers who have access to school groups, the Nature School, or propriety information (such as donor and member information) must respect the confidentiality of their positions and the visitors.
Volunteers must be loyal to the mission of the Cibolo and to the public which they serve.
Volunteers are prohibited from engaging in any outside activity that might result in a conflict of interest – actual, potential, or perceived.
Use of Volunteers Policy:
The achievement of the goals of the Cibolo Center for Conservation is best served by the active participation of citizens of the community. The Cibolo Center for Conservation accepts and encourages the involvement of volunteers at all levels in the organization. All staff and volunteers are encouraged to assist with the roles of the volunteers and act as advocates in the recruitment of volunteers from the community.
Definition of a Volunteer:
A “volunteer” is anyone who, without compensation or expectation of compensation, beyond reimbursement of expenses incurred in the course of his/her volunteer duties, performs a task at the direction and on the behalf of the organization. A volunteer must be officially accepted and enrolled by the organization prior to the performance of the task.
Representation of the Cibolo:
Prior to any action or statement, which might significantly affect or obligate the organization, volunteers should seek prior consultation and approval from appropriate staff. These actions may include but are not limited to public statements to the press, lobbying efforts with other organizations or on a social media website, collaborative or joint initiatives or any agreements involving contractual or other financial obligations. Volunteers are authorized to act as representatives of the Cibolo as specifically indicated within their job descriptions and only to the extent of such written specifications. (If a representative of the media approaches a volunteer or employee it is the responsibility of the volunteer or employee to direct the media representative to the Marketing/Communications Department immediately without further comment.)
Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all proprietary or privileged information to which they are exposed to while serving as a volunteer. This is true whether this information involves a single member of the staff, volunteer, client or other person or overall business of the Cibolo. This is also true for photos and reports as they will need permission from appropriate staff prior to being posted on public media. Faces of children without consent can never be posted.
Service at the Discretion of the Cibolo:
The Cibolo accepts the service of volunteers with the understanding that such service is at the sole discretion of the Cibolo. Every volunteer agrees and is expected to uphold the mission and policies of the Cibolo. Volunteers also agree that the organization may at any time, for whatever reason, discontinue the volunteer relation with the Cibolo or make adjustments in the nature of their assignments. If a volunteer develops a conflict of interest with any activity or program of the Cibolo, whether personal, philosophical or financial without regard to the Cibolo’s mission and policies, the volunteer must discuss the situation with their direct staff supervisor. The relationship with a volunteer who misrepresents the Cibolo and does not report to their direct staff supervisor will be terminated. Volunteers agree to uphold the policies and procedures detailed in the most recent volunteer handbook and may be released from volunteering if found in direct violation to any of those policies and procedures.