Before you volunteer: read & sign the WFF Code of Conduct
Welcome! Thank you for your interest in serving as a Wisconsin Film Festival volunteer. Whether you are a veteran WFF volunteer or a first-timer, we greatly appreciate your donation of time and talent. Please sign the code of conduct below, complete the registration form that follows, and your account will be updated in a few days.
The Wisconsin Film Festival (WFF) expects all staff members and volunteers to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner while representing WFF. If WFF policies are knowingly or carelessly ignored, disciplinary measures may be undertaken.
Offenses that may lead to discipline can be of varying degrees of seriousness. Depending upon the circumstances, discipline may consist of a verbal warning, written warning, suspension with or without pay, or termination of employment or voluntary service. The Wisconsin Film Festival retains the right to utilize any of these disciplinary measures or to create an alternative discipline system that may include all or none of these steps. Under some circumstances, termination may be the only step in the disciplinary process.
Alcohol and Controlled Substances
Alcohol and controlled substance (drug) abuse poses a threat to the health and safety of participants and to the security of our venues. Because of this, it is the policy of WFF to maintain a workplace that is free from the effects of drugs and the misuse of alcohol.
Under no circumstances is a WFF staff member or volunteer to work a shift, represent WFF, drive a WFF vehicle, or operate WFF equipment while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Staff members or volunteers who engage in the sale of, possess, transfer, or offer to buy or sell drugs or alcohol, use or are under the influence of drugs, or consume alcohol during WFF shifts or while acting as a representative of WFF, will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Supervisors should immediately report to Human Resources any action by a participant who demonstrates an unusual behavior pattern or who is suspected of misusing drugs and/or alcohol. Staff members may be tested for drugs and alcohol at the discretion of WFF.
Sexual and Other Harassment
Every WFF staff member or volunteer should be able to work in an environment free from any form of harassment. To ensure that all staff member and volunteers enjoy a harassment-free workplace, WFF prohibits any offensive physical, written, or spoken conduct of a sexual or derogatory nature. Anyone engaging in sexual or other harassment will be subject to discipline, up to and including discharge. Prohibited conduct may include, but is not limited to:
- Unwelcome requests or demands for sexual favors. This includes subtle or blatant expectations to engage in sexual relations and pressure for dates.
- Verbal abuse or unwelcome kidding of a sexual nature, such as telling "dirty jokes" and inappropriate comments about body parts, appearance, or clothing.
- Insults, name calling, slurs, jokes, or other remarks that are demeaning or offensive in nature.
- Unwelcome verbal or non-verbal conduct or visual displays of sexual, offensive, or discriminating materials such as posters, calendars, photographs, cartoons, graffiti, or other offensive graphic displays.
- Physical, verbal, or psychological abuse based on an individual’s protected characteristics such as stereotyping, name calling, assaulting, sabotaging, segregating, or threatening any individual in the workplace.
- Unwelcome or unwanted sexual advances, such as patting, pinching, brushing up against, hugging, cornering, kissing, fondling, or any other similar contact.
- Making a submission to or rejection of harassment the basis of any employment decision.
- Creating a work environment that is intimidating, hostile, abusive, or offensive because of the display or circulation of offensive written materials, unwelcome conversations, suggestions, requests, demands, or physical contacts.
The very nature of harassment makes it difficult to detect unless the problem is reported. Staff members or volunteers experiencing harassment, therefore, should immediately report the incident to a supervisor. If the concern pertains to a supervisor, please consult Human Resources at If the issue pertains to or originated with HR, concerns should be addressed to the Festival Director, Jeff Smith. Any supervisor who sees or hears about conduct that may constitute harassment under this policy must immediately contact Human Resources.
Complaints will be treated as confidentially as possible in light of WFF's need to fully investigate the matter and take appropriate corrective action. In all cases, great care will be taken to preserve the dignity and privacy of the persons involved. Staff members or volunteers who report harassment or who assist in the investigation of a complaint of harassment will not be subject to retaliation or reprisals as a result of the report or assistance.
Complaints will be promptly and thoroughly investigated. Depending on the nature of the alleged harassment, interim measures may be taken. These measures might include temporary reassignments or separating the alleged harasser and the employee alleging the harassment.
All managers and supervisors are responsible for the implementation of this Code and for ensuring that participants know and understand this policy. All participants will be held responsible and accountable for refraining from prohibited conduct.
Questions regarding this Code should be addressed to Human Resources (
I have familiarized myself with the information in the Wisconsin Film Festival Participant Code of Conduct. I will seek verification or clarification where necessary and will observe the guidelines while participating in the Wisconsin Film Festival.
I understand that this Code is designed to serve only as a guide to WFF's policies and rules, and is not a contract of employment. I understand that the Code is subject to change at any time, with or without notice. I further understand that I, as well as the Wisconsin Film Festival, have the right to terminate the relationship at any time and for any reason unless contractually obligated otherwise.