Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the City of Plano's Parks and Recreation Department. Our online application is currently paused as we transition to a new volunteer management software. 

However, we are currently recruiting for the following ongoing opportunities. The below opportunities are open to individuals 18+ interested in volunteering on an ongoing basis. You can start the onboarding process by emailing Morgan Green-Griffin to discuss next steps. 

Sam Johnson Recreation Center for Adults 50+

  • Greeters:  Currently recruiting for Mondays 12 – 2 PM and/or Thursdays 10 AM – 12 PM. Greeters serve as a friendly face to members when they arrive, direct visitors to the specific rooms where programs are being held, and answer general questions about the SJRC. Individuals must be members of SJRC to be eligible to volunteer in this role.
  • Bingo Caller: Currently recruiting for Bingo Callers available at least 1 Saturday a month from 9:15 – 11:15 AM. Bingo Callers call the numbers for all 12 games and make announcements. They need a clear, confident voice and the ability to command a room. Must commit to at least one 2.5 hour shift per month. Individuals must be members of SJRC to be eligible to volunteer in this role. Currently recruiting for Bingo Callers available at least 1 Saturday a month from 9:15 – 11:15 AM.
  • Gazebo Café: Not actively recruiting, but new volunteers always welcome. The Gazebo Café at the Sam Johnson Rec Center in Plano has a volunteer shift of 9 AM -1 PM on Monday - Friday. Currently, the greatest need is for volunteers who can commit to volunteer 1 day/week on an ongoing basis (ex. volunteering every Monday or every Wednesday).

Interurban Railway Museum

  • Tour Guides. Currently recruiting for Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 11 AM - 4 PM, Fridays from 10:30 - 4 PM and Saturday 1-5 PM. Tour Guides greet scheduled groups and walk-ins, keep accurate visitor records and educate on museum artifacts and history. Ideal for cheerful, proactive individuals interested in engaging and educating visitors of all ages. 

Courtyard Theater

  • Ushers. Schedule varies. A great fit for individuals with night and weekend availability. Ushers assist patrons by taking tickets, escorting attendees to their seat and/or passing out programs. If seats are available, ushers can watch the performance for free in between & afternoon their volunteer duties.

All positions listed above are open to individuals 18+ looking for a reoccurring volunteer role. Individuals must complete a waivers and a background check prior to volunteering. These roles do not NOT accept one-time volunteers, volunteer groups or court-ordered community service. Individuals needing court-ordered community service should email Lauralee Cornuaud.

Questions? Please contact Morgan Green-Griffin at

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