Volunteer Policy

Declaration: I, the applicant, declare that the information that I am about to provide is correct in all respects, at the time of lodgement of this application with the Sunshine Coast Regional Council.  Should any of the details given in relation to this application be changed in the future, I, the applicant, shall advise the Sunshine Coast Regional Council in writing prior to any such change being implemented.

Privacy: Council will use any information provided for the intended purpose only and for remaining in contact with you. Council is authorised to collect this information in accordance with the Local Govt Act 2009 and other Local Government Acts. Your personal information is only accessed by persons authorised to do so. Your personal information is dealt with in accordance with Council's privacy policy.

Confidentiality Obligations: As you may be exposed to council information during your engagement, that otherwise would not be made available to the general public, Council must point out that you are obliged to treat such information that you come into contact with as a part of your engagement with the strictest confidence. This obligation does not extend to information that is otherwise available to the general public. If you have any doubt regarding the nature of the information you are dealing with, then you should discuss the same with your supervising Council officer.

Photography Permissions: Event Volunteers consent to the use of their images or videos for any marketing (print, online, social media, etc.) by Sunshine Coast Council without notice or compensation.

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Username must not start with space
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