BREC Volunteer Agreement
Please note: to volunteer at BREC, you should be between the ages of 18 to 79 years of age (inclusive).
I register to become a volunteer for the Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre (BREC), and in doing so I agree to the following terms and conditions:
- I understand that there is no remuneration associated with volunteer work and this application does not constitute a contract of employment
- I understand that the information I provide will only be available to the venue management and that it may only be used for its intended purpose
- I agree to attend all rostered shifts, as detailed in the schedule supplied to me by Venue Management. If I am unable to attend any particular shift, I will advise my supervisor at least 24 hours prior to my shift, or at the earliest possible opportunity in the case of an emergency.
- I agree to perform tasks allocated to me to the best of my ability and to follow the directions and supervision of venue management.
- I am responsible for my personal property, including my vehicle and BREC will not accept responsibility for any loss, whatsoever experienced by me
- I have provided details of any injury or illness I have, current or previous, which may need to be accommodated
- If I am unable to work for any length of time due to illness or surgery, I understand I will be required to obtain a clearance from my doctor to be allowed to return to volunteering work
- I agree that if I fail to follow directions by my Supervisor, my volunteer role may be terminated immediately.