Volunteer Policies



Policies and Procedures:

The Fluvanna SPCA would not exist without the dedication and support of volunteers. The following sections describe the policies and procedures established by the Fluvanna SPCA to  ensure proper care of our animal residents and to ensure the safety of our volunteers.  

Data tracking: ALL volunteers are REQUIRED to sign in and out at the front desk or sign up for a shift prior to coming to volunteer on Better Impact. Signing in is very important to track all volunteer hours as these statistics are used in grant applications. It  also lets the staff know who is in the shelter and on grounds.  

Badges: All volunteers must wear name badges, supplied by FSPCA, during each volunteer shift to identify themselves to staff and the public.

Age restrictions: Anyone is welcome to volunteer at FSPCA. However, for safety reasons, you must be at least 18 years old to volunteer with dogs at the shelter.

Professional attitude: The Fluvanna SPCA asks that our volunteers take their decision to  volunteer seriously and remember to act courteously to all customers. All volunteers must  keep all customer data confidential; no staff, volunteer, adopter, or community names or  information may be discussed outside of our organization. We also ask our volunteers to  support our organization’s mission, policies, and procedures both inside and outside the  Fluvanna SPCA.  

Application and waiver: All volunteers must have a completed application and waiver before their first volunteer experience at the shelter or at a shelter-sponsored event. 

Harassment: The Fluvanna SPCA will not tolerate any harassment by a volunteer to a staff  member or a fellow volunteer. If you are a victim of harassment, please inform the Shelter Manager immediately. 

Appearance and dress: Volunteers must come dressed appropriately and should wear  comfortable clothing. Closed-toed shoes must be worn. Long pants and long-sleeved shirts are  strongly recommended for your protection from scratches, bites, or chemicals.  

Workplace safety: Volunteers must keep the safety of themselves, staff, our animals, and the  general public in mind when participating in a Fluvanna SPCA activity or volunteering at the  shelter. Volunteers should never put themselves into a situation that makes them fearful or  uncomfortable. If you feel uncomfortable with a cat or dog’s behavior, please notify a staff  member immediately. If you notice anything that constitutes an unsafe workplace, please  notify the Shelter Manager as soon as possible.  

Volunteer injury: All volunteers must immediately report to the Shelter Manager any personal  accidents or injuries that occur while volunteering for the Fluvanna SPCA. 


Animal feedback: In addition to staff evaluations, we rely on volunteer input to better assess  our animals’ behaviors. If you notice any positive or negative behaviors, or that an animal is  sick, please report these to the Shelter Manager and/or shelter staff.  

Personal property: The Fluvanna SPCA is not responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of  personal items on SPCA property.  

Alcohol and drugs: The use, possession, sale, or transfer of a controlled substance or alcohol  on Fluvanna SPCA property or at an event representing the Fluvanna SPCA is strictly prohibited.  

Media inquiries: No volunteer shall make statements to the media that may be seen as  representative of the opinions and policies of the Fluvanna SPCA. Please refer all media  inquiries to the Board of Directors at bod@fspca.org.  

Confidentiality and impartiality: It is essential that confidentiality regarding personal  information about clients and the outcome of individual animal situations must be maintained  at all times. All information learned at the Fluvanna SPCA or officially sanctioned Fluvanna  SPCA events should be considered confidential and is not to be repeated or shared.  

The Fluvanna SPCA does not believe in breed-specific behavior stereotypes. If you have negative preconceived notions about certain types or breeds of animals, please refrain from  sharing your opinions and views with members of the public, staff, and other volunteers. One  of our goals is to educate the public about animal welfare and the first step is to educate ourselves!  

Handling and mistreatment of animals: The Fluvanna SPCA will not tolerate the mishandling or  mistreatment of animals. Improper handling of an animal includes allowing them to  consistently slip out of your care and allowing them to harm a person or another animal  through carelessness and lack of attention. Mistreating an animal includes yelling at, hitting, or  striking any animal residing at the shelter. If a volunteer is found mishandling or mistreating an  animal, the volunteer will be asked to resign from his or her volunteering duties and will no  longer be welcome at the shelter.  

Reasons for dismissal: The Fluvanna SPCA will dismiss any volunteer for failure to abide by the  organization’s policies and procedures or for any abuse or mistreatment of animals.  


I agree to be a volunteer at the Fluvanna SPCA and hold harmless the FSPCA, its employees, and Board of Directors from any and all liability that might be incurred during the course of her/his volunteer service. I agree that she/he will comply with the FSPCA's rules and procedures. I agree to respect the confidential nature of the information I may obtain. I understand that her/his failure to follow the policies and rules of the FSPCA will result in the termination of her/his services as a volunteer. I understand that as a volunteer her/his serve at the discretion of the FSPCA and her/his volunteer status may be terminated at any time for any reason. I certify that she/he has never been convicted of animal cruelty, neglect, or abandonment.

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