Volunteer Policies and Agreements
MaxFund welcomes volunteers who desire to give their time in support of MaxFund's mission. MaxFund is a nonprofit organization which was established to provide medical care for injured pets with no known owners, and to find new homes for these animals once they have recovered. MaxFund is committed to the following goals:
- Develop and implement educational programs pertaining to animal care, with emphasis on the importance of spaying and neutering.
- Disseminate information on spay/neuter facilities, and on a periodic basis conduct a spay/neuter clinic for pets of low income families.
- Be a voice for the animals on issues of animal welfare.
- Cooperate with other animal facilities/shelters in accomplishing these goals.
We require that all volunteers participate in our orientation and mentorship program prior to beginning any volunteer activities. If you agree with our mission and are willing to be interviewed, background- and reference-checked, and trained, we encourage you to complete this application. The information on this form will help us find the most satisfying and appropriate activities for you. You further agree to adhere to the following in your volunteer activities for MaxFund:
- You will do your utmost to protect the safety, comfort, and welfare of MaxFund’s animals, particularly when they are in your care, and never leave any aspect of their safety, comfort, and welfare to chance. You will always work for the good of the animals and the shelter/clinic.
- You will follow MaxFund’s rules and regulations and the instructions of the MaxFund staff at all times. If you are not certain about the care of any animal, or any other issue concerning the shelter/clinic, you will seek the correct information from the appropriate person rather than acting or speaking on an uninformed or ill-informed basis. You understand and accept that MaxFund staff may not be able to disclose all information about the animals and shelter to you as a volunteer.
- You will conduct yourself in a manner that reflects positively on MaxFund at the shelter/clinic, in the neighborhood surrounding the shelter/clinic, and in the community at large, including any online setting.
You will be responsible for your words and your behavior as a volunteer, and not speak or act in a manner that could create conflicts with MaxFund or its mission. If you fail to conduct yourself in accordance with the foregoing, you may be asked to discontinue your participation in the volunteer program.