Organization Policies


BETR Darwin Triple CrowN

By registering as an Official for Northern Territory Major Events Company (NTMEC) and applying to work at the BetR Darwin Triple Crown you must agree to the following Terms & Conditions.

As a Volunteer Official assisting NTMEC I agree that at all times I shall:

  1. Work for NTMEC in a volunteer capacity, to the best of my abilities, without payment or incentive;
  2. Be responsible for my own health and safety during the event;
  3. Abide by the Motorsport Australia Social Media Guidelines;
  4. Abide by the Motorsport Australia Work Health and Safety (WHS) Policy and the Darwin Triple Crown Officials Safety Guidelines;
  5. Attend briefing sessions as required;
  6. Keep information concerning NTMEC and the event confidential, which you know or should reasonably know is confidential;
  7. Ensure that I hold the appropriate license or qualifications to undertake the role I have applied for;
  8. Not do anything to compromise my safety or the safety of others and I understand that there may be risks associated with providing particular volunteer services;
  9. Attend all volunteer shifts as allocated by NTMEC and inform NTMEC as soon as possible if I am unavailable due to illness, injury or extreme circumstances;
  10. Undertake my tasks and duties as outlined to me, wear the officials uniform, and follow the directions of Senior Officials;
  11. Understand that NTMEC has the right to accept or reject my volunteer application/s at their discretion;
  12. Understand that NTMEC may exclude me from any or all event/s at their discretion if deemed appropriate;
  13. Not bring valuable items to the events and I will take personal responsibility for any personal property brought to the Darwin Triple Crown Supercars;
  14. Not personally engage in or assist any other person to engage in any activities which may adversely affect NTMEC of the Darwin Triple Crown Supercars event, the venue or any associated sponsors;
  15. Not bring any claims against NTMEC (including directors, employees, contractors or volunteers) or competition venue for any damage, injury, loss  or liability to persons or property caused by my wilful, reckless or negligent acts or omissions while providing the voluntary services;
  16. Agree to being photographed or recorded for use in broadcast or promotional activities, and that these images and recordings remain the property of NTMEC or its agents;
  17. Be responsible for the collection of my accreditation pack at the specified times and understand that failure to attend my shift after collecting the accreditation pack may result in an invoice for $250 to cover the costs of the goods collected;
  18. Collect and wear accreditation in accordance with the pre event information;
  19. Treat all of my fellow volunteers, staff and patrons with respect;
  20. Advise NTMEC if I am feeling unwell and unable to attend as soon as possible; and
  21. Follow all hygiene and physical distancing measures implemented at the event and associated functions.
  22. Comply with any laws, regulations or directions from the Federal or Northern Territory Government

I am new to

You will need to enter a unique username to identify yourself to the system. You should select something that is easy for you to remember such as your email address or your name. Your username must be at least 6 characters long. If the name you enter is already in use by someone else, you will be prompted to choose another username.
Username must not start with space
Username must not end with space
Username must not have two or more spaces in a row

I already have a username

If you have signed up with this organization before, or are a member of another organization that uses, you can use the same login to access all organizations with which you are associated.
Forgot your username or password?
Already use to volunteer with this organization?
Go to volunteer login

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