FIVE18 Volunteer Code of Conduct

FIVE18 Family Services Volunteer Code of Conduct


1. Commitment to Christ-Centered Service:

I commit to serving in this ministry with a Christ-like attitude, demonstrating love, compassion, and humility in all interactions with families and children.


2. Respect for Individuals:

I will treat each family and child with respect, recognizing their inherent dignity as children of God and promoting an environment of acceptance and inclusivity.


3. Integrity in Actions and Words:

I will uphold the highest standards of integrity in my words and actions, being honest, reliable, and trustworthy in all dealings with families, children, and fellow volunteers.


4. Child Protection and Safety:

I understand the importance of ensuring the safety and well-being of children. I commit to following all established child protection guidelines and promptly reporting any concerns.


5. Confidentiality:

I will respect the privacy of families and children, maintaining confidentiality about personal information shared within the ministry context.


6. Healthy Boundaries:

I will establish and maintain appropriate emotional and physical boundaries with families and children, recognizing the importance of maintaining a professional and respectful relationship.


7. Team Collaboration:

I will work collaboratively with other volunteers, staff, and leadership, fostering a spirit of unity and cooperation to carry out the Vision 30 mission effectively.


8. Continuous Personal Growth:

I am committed to ongoing personal and spiritual growth, seeking to deepen my understanding of Christian principles and enhance my skills to serve families and children better.


9. Compliance with Policies:

I will adhere to all policies and procedures established by the ministry, including those related to volunteer conduct, child protection, and any other relevant guidelines.


10. Prayerful Attitude:

I will maintain a prayerful attitude, seeking God's guidance and wisdom in all aspects of my service within the ministry.


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