Welcome to the North Valley Animal Disaster Group!


This application is for volunteer membership to join the North Valley Animal Disaster Group (NVADG).  Volunteers are required to attend our 2-day New Volunteer Training in Chico over the weekend of January 18-19, 2025 and complete a Live Scan at this time.   You will need to attend both days:

Training Location:  Marsh Junior High School, 2253 Humboldt Rd, Chico. 

Saturday & Sunday, January 18 - 19, 2025, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Doors open at 8:30am for check-in.


We expect our trained volunteers to make every attempt to be available to support animals when NVADG is activated for deployment during a disaster here in Butte County. 



1.     The new volunteer training fee for 2025 is $21.65.  It covers all standard training and includes a uniform T-shirt.  We ask that the training fee be paid at the time you submit your application.  After submitting your application - You can pay by credit card (through Paypal) or by mailing a check to: PO Box 441, Chico, CA 95927.  

2.     At training you'll pay the cost of your background check Live Scan and Notary service, which is $67.  We will be doing a NVADG-exclusive Live Scan and background check at training.  The $67 will be collected at training and is to be paid directly to the company providing the Live Scan.  You can pay by cash, check, credit card or Venmo. 


You will get one uniform T-shirt at training.  Select your Uniform T-shirt Style and Size during the application process.  Other uniform items will be available for purchase including hats, sweatshirts, and long-sleeve shirts.


Please review the Volunteer Contract below.  After reading and agreeing to it, create your username and password to log in to MyImpactPage.com.  (The username and password you create during this process will be needed throughout your volunteer service with NVADG - please make a note of it.)     You will then be directed to several pages where you may enter your contact info and pertinent information.  


During an incident, it’s essential that we can connect with you. Please provide phone numbers and enable NVADG to contact you via text messaging, email, and physical address.  Please 'whitelist' or 'safelist' emails from @nvadg.org.  Check your SPAM folder periodically to make sure you are not missing important email from NVADG. 


When entering your contact information - be sure to check the box "I want to receive text messages on my cell phone" and list your cell phone. (see image)  We will use text messaging during deployment and special situations only. 


Background Check for Butte County Disaster Service Workers: To be a Disaster Service Worker (DSW), it’s required that NVADG Volunteers pass a background check via Live Scan.  Live Scans are unique to each organization, so even if you have been Live Scanned for your work or the State, a separate one must be done for NVADG.  The Live Scan will be completed at the January training.  The results of the background checks are kept confidential.  Any possible problems/conflicts will be discussed and decided on a case-by-case basis.


Unpaid volunteer. I desire to work as a volunteer and the services I am providing are for a nonprofit corporation. I intend to volunteer my services for those charitable and public services which are provided by NVADG. As such I understand that I am not an employee of NVADG and nothing in this Agreement creates an employment relationship, partnership, joint venture, or contractor relationship between NVADG or its affiliates. I understand I will not be paid for volunteering. I have no expectation of compensation or other non-monetary benefits and no one from NVADG has offered me compensation for my services, however, expenses and nominal fees may be provided or reimbursed. I also understand as a volunteer that I am not required to work any minimum number of hours, that I am not subject to discipline, nor am I under the control of NVADG and that my volunteering will be based on days and shifts according to my availability.


Photos. I understand and agree that photos/videos may be taken of me as a volunteer and that these photos/videos may be used by NVADG for publicity or training purposes.


Release and Waiver. I am aware that training for, and working in, a disaster situation may be hazardous, and that I am voluntarily participating in these activities with full knowledge of the nature of the danger involved. I hereby agree to accept any and all risks of injury or death. I agree that I, my heirs, distributes, guardians, legal representatives, and assigns will not make a claim against, sue, attach the property of, or prosecute the North Valley Animal Disaster Group, or any of its individual volunteers, for injury or damage resulting from negligence or other acts, howsoever caused, by any volunteer, employee, agent, or contractor of NVADG or its affiliates, as a result of my assisting in a disaster, or participating in any training or other function.


Return of Property. When I leave at the end of shift I will assure return of all NVADG property and equipment, and during disaster activations will leave a completed 214. At the end of any event, I will assure return of all NVADG property, equipment, required forms and documentation.


Insurance. I understand that each volunteer is expected and encouraged to obtain their own health, medical, automobile, travel, disability, or other insurance coverage.


Confidentiality. I agree that during my participation I may have access to personal and/or health care information of other persons. I agree to maintain the confidentiality of such information, to use such information only as necessary to do my job as a volunteer, and to comply with NVADG policies regarding such information.


Badge. I agree to wear my badge at all times while volunteering. The badge is the property of Butte County and I will return it upon resignation, dismissal or when I am issued an updated badge. You will receive a NVADG photo identification badge with your “AR” number, which is your unique NVADG identification number.  This ID badge must be on your person at all times while you are volunteering during a disaster or drill.  ID badge photos will be taken at training.  This standard headshot will be used for both your ID Badge and will be your profile picture in your NVADG-My Volunteer Impact account.  I will not upload any additional photos to my Volunteer Impact profile;  NVADG will upload your standard headshot photo for you.


Health. I agree to respect my health and not work beyond my strength, stamina, or doctor’s orders. I will abide by requirements for taking breaks, lunch and time away.  I agree to stay home if I do not feel well.  Your safety is our top priority.  If you are not in robust health, do not attempt to work on the Evacuation or Technical Rescue Team.  There are plenty of opportunities to assist in areas that do not require a huge physical demand.  Of course, if you don't feel well, please stay home.


Supplies. I understand during disaster responses that I am expected to bring the necessary clothing, food, drinking water, medication, bedding, and personal care supplies that I would need in the first 48 hours of a disaster. If appropriate and feasible, I will bring my own shelter from rain or sun. I understand that I may not be able to return home or leave the facility to purchase necessary items.


No Self Deployment. I will not self-deploy to a disaster. I will only deploy once NVADG has been authorized.


Non-Disparagement. I will not make negative comments on social media or publicly about NVADG or other responding partner groups. I will not make public any personal private information about community members or their property.


Animal Welfare. I will not judge animal owners and will work with them to help their animals.


Attire:  I understand that if my attire is inappropriate for a task, I will be reassigned to a safer position. For my safety and for the safety of those around me, I will not wear open-toed shoes, short pants, dresses or skirts, or orange outer garments.


Behavior: I understand that exemplary behavior from all volunteers is expected at all times. The incident command structure is to be respected and neither usurped nor ignored at any time. The on-duty supervisor is the ultimate on-site decision maker for all situations within the animal response program. If a duty schedule is in force, and if you are working outside your assigned time slot or work position, you may be sent home. Fatigue can cloud judgment, shorten tempers, and affect quality of work on subsequent shifts. Any confrontational behavior, evidence of illegal drug use, alcohol consumption, inappropriate smoking or vaping, willful failure to follow instructions, interference with others’ work, or evidence of theft may incur reassignment, surrender of badge, or relief of duty. Any other obviously inappropriate behavior will be handled similarly.


Take care of your own first: I agree that if my own family, loved ones, animals, home, or business are at risk from a progressing disaster, I will take care of them before reporting to help others. If I have already committed to an immediate response, I will let my supervisor know that I will be late or absent, especially if I am assigned to a leadership position.


The following is our Code of Conduct:

I will not deploy to a disaster unless the group has been authorized.


I will not wear NVADG clothing, nor use NVADG/Butte County badge if I respond with another animal rescue group.


I will respect and follow the Incident Command System.


I will not make negative comments on social media, criticize NVADG or other responding partner groups.


During a disaster I will not make public any personal private information about community members or their property. This includes social media posts.


I will not judge animal owners and will work with them to help their animals.




Thank you for volunteering!


If you have questions, you can email our Volunteer Engagement Manager by clicking here.

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