Required training and privacy statement

Volunteers must complete the application form and read the following documents:


After completing and submitting your application, you will receive an auto-generated email acknowledging receipt. The required forms listed above will be attached for your reference. 

As part of our application process, you will be required to provide 2 non-family member references.  A vulnerable police record check will also be required for this role.  

Accessible formats of the volunteer application and communication supports are available upon request.  If you require assistance to complete an application to volunteer or during any stage of our screening proves, please call 519-741-2200 ext. 5346 or TTY 886-969-9994 for assistance.

Privacy Statement: Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), s. 28 (2), and will be used to qualify you as a City of Kitchener Volunteer. This information will be shared with staff who require it for their work as part of administering and supporting volunteers. I also understand that my personal information will be stored on a Third-Party server located in Toronto, Ontario. Questions about this collection should be directed to Josh Joseph Manger Neighbourhood Development and Volunteer Engagement Office; 519 741 2200 ext. 7082 or

I am new to

You will need to enter a unique username to identify yourself to the system. You should select something that is easy for you to remember such as your email address or your name. Your username must be at least 6 characters long. If the name you enter is already in use by someone else, you will be prompted to choose another username.
Username must not start with space
Username must not end with space
Username must not have two or more spaces in a row

I already have a username

If you have signed up with this organization before, or are a member of another organization that uses, you can use the same login to access all organizations with which you are associated.
Forgot your username or password?
Already use to volunteer with this organization?
Go to volunteer login

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